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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Thanks for contributing to the circus Pryor.
  2. Agreed. Very emotional storyline. Great voice over as well (maybe the best), especially the main character.
  3. I used to love turn based RPGs. Still a fan of RPGs in general. With all this video game talk I decided to fire up The Last of Us for the first time in two months. Apparently my last save was in the middle of a firefight. Couldn't remember controls... bloodbath.
  4. Is this double the Bills score for the week?
  5. Wish I was watching this one. Pour it on boys!
  6. That's insane. Does that include the expansion pack? I tried DS3 right after Bloodborne. Too defensive, fu@k that shield. I gave up.
  7. It's a fantastic strategy. I do the same as well. You can walk into a gaming store and buy five used premium titles for likely under $40.
  8. I got smoked harder than a pack of Newport 100s at a bingo hall but it's beatable and well worth the challenge.
  9. I tried playing Bloodborne that way. Bad move...
  10. Maybe it is more complicated but to the untrained eye of a casual observer and reinforcement by multiple mentions of lack of compete/effort this is my perspective. I can't ask my three year old son "why the fu@k isn't this team skating harder?" and expect an in-depth response. That's why I crash this party!
  11. I didn't watch the game but I found a common denominator in this thread that has been a recurring theme. Lack of effort and I find it completely unacceptable at the highest level of sports.
  12. We're in a newer subdivision as well. First year obviously no kids but we were at complete build last year and it seemed like parents were bussing them in. Surprisingly light crowd this year and even more of a surprise was the lack of participation from neighbors. Huge swaths of houses with no lights on. Makes my house look better. Projector in the window, short-circuiting lights, music and fog machine. Love Halloween.
  13. Not to hijack the the thread but since the thread says Halloween just wanted to wish you all a happy one! Hope you have candy left over if you handed it out.
  14. Watching Exorcist on the eve of Halloween. Tubular Bells. Awesome.
  15. I agree with this as well. These blowouts are probably p!ssing the Pegs off. They were likely expecting some competitive losing and the Bills are a laughing stock (as far as I'm concerned).
  16. These costumes need to be brought up in the arena experience thread...
  17. Nice to have decent goaltending.
  18. That makeup is disturbing
  19. Hope they realize there is a high likelihood all of them could be intercepted.
  20. It would have to be catastrophic for any of the bridges to completely shut down. Got any details?
  21. Should start a poll whether Peterman throws more interceptions than the Sabres score goals this week.
  22. Actually I would approve if they traded for the entire Rams or Chiefs roster and personnel.
  23. I don't trust this management anymore. Any move they make (or don't make) feels like it will be the wrong one.
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