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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Thanks for the input!
  2. Hamburg area. I thought I had this planned out with having HDMI cables, digital/optical cables, and outlets positioned strategically but I guess I was wrong.
  3. Restriction 14" high. I knew I should have pushed for only three shelves.
  4. The problem I have is I'm restricted to about 14" of clearance on the walls.
  5. Basically I'm looking for quality speakers that can appease the masses at midnight for Rump Shaker (although those days are far and few between with two young kids).
  6. I underestimated the intelligence on this site. I just titled the topic Audiophile because it was the first word that came to mind. I'm not looking for speakers of the highest quality.
  7. Looking to upgrade audio in the finished basement. Bought a Peachtree Deepblue2 for a general tv/Bluetooth speaker. Love the speaker but during a recent party I realized I need some more oomph. Suggestions? Sonos? I've seen pictures of some of your bathrooms on this site so please don't suggest some Walmart checkout aisle speaker. Was hoping to keep it wireless but not sure if I can for what I'm looking for.
  8. This deserves the Half Baked f-you gif however I couldn't find anyone in your comment that falls under the "you cool" category. Garbage time started when the second half started. Chicago was playing prevent defense at the start of the second.
  9. From B/R: "But it will take a lot more than that to overcome the black hole of awful that is Nathan Peterman under center. Nothing escapes. Not light. Not sound. When Peterman is playing, no one can hear you scream."
  10. I'm not saying it's the greatest game ever but I believe the character interaction (so far) & especially the voice over is top notch. I'm a big RPG fan so character dynamics is important and I've been impressed. Though like you said, to each his own.
  11. I was going to say he must be a culture guy (which I just did) but the words culture and process actually make me sick to my stomach. Oh yeah, clapping does too.
  12. Damn, thought we had a new head coach.
  13. Who?
  14. Stream was high. Had to work for em.
  15. Dumb ass, don't be a hero.
  16. Anyone but Vesey.
  17. The blowouts are telling. This management completely neglected the offensive side of the ball. A single, naive thread of me is hoping/praying they were possibly expecting this and the gameplan was to bolster the offense in the draft and FA.
  18. Watching this Saints/Rams game really emphasizes how bad the Bills offense is. Geaux Saints.
  19. No but I hope it does to make up for me cutting my fishing short to watch that debacle. Another poor life decision...
  20. Maybe the entire Bills roster will retire at halftime.
  21. Like a wreck. You can't stop looking.
  22. At least the defense got to finally rest?
  23. I have no words...
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