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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Not sure if it's the fact Nashville is good but the Sabres don't look impressive tonight.
  2. Playoffs or bust baby! Just kidding...maybe. Really enjoying this. Nice to have a winning team 'round these parts. Hope it lasts.
  3. This is absolutely incredible. What a turn around.
  4. Managed to catch the end of the game in the break room at work. The room lit up like a pinball machine on the winning goal. It's been awhile since people have been genuinely excited about this team and I think the players are as well.
  5. I can't believe I missed most of this and the entire Wild game. I'm glad you rabid fans got to see it and had fun though. You deserve it.
  6. Nice win and even better stringing together some points. Let's keep rolling.
  7. I'm starting to dig this sh!t.
  8. We're ahead. How are they looking, yea or nay will suffice. Goddam kids Spiderman book took 45 minutes to read.
  9. Three day weekend. I'm on my fourth. Should I slow down?
  10. They've been at the bottom of the barrel so I suppose they have to start somewhere.
  11. Long week. I demand a win for compensation.
  12. And he likely had a clap attack after doing so. Wonder who ultimately forced his hand or if he just had a moment of clarity.
  13. I love the smell of brown trout eggs in the morning

  14. I'll drink to that (drinking anyhow but I'll double up).
  15. Normally when people link their music from YouTube I cringe because it's from some obscure corner of the bowels of the fifth dimension of the website and it sucks big time. Like I wanna punch drywall suckitude. This was not that. It was really good. Looking forward to giving more of your music a spin when I get the chance. Thanks for sharing. Edit: I think I still want to punch drywall just because of the boxing video. Stick and move!
  16. Perrenial top 10 goal scorer. As an average fan that's what I'm hoping for.
  17. My audiophile buddy suggested a set of Paradigm or MartinLogan (which apparently had better specs). Apparently they're not Bluetooth, just WiFi? I thought about adding another Deepblue2 but I guess you can't sync them. Just my luck.
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