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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. He looks like he's familiar with ball peen hammers and piano wire and is associated with fellas named Moose and Rocko.
  2. Well, there's the "trade". We can all put down our pitchforks and torches and go home...
  3. Wait...I expected a "Let's go Buffalo" from you. We need positivity!
  4. Shore ice can be unstable even if the main sheet is safe.
  5. Neither am I and I do realize there are many factors in play as you pointed out. I'm not dismissing him as a possible beneficial hire. Just pointing out the fact that the Colts let their successful OL coach go and the Bills hired the assistant instead.
  6. So they should have went after the OL coach. I'm guessing the success of the Colts' O-line was dictated more by the actual OL coach rather than the assistant.
  7. I think Billsiest would be if he was a Panthers cast-off.
  8. Hire a retread rather than someone who had done a fantastic job this year? Sounds Billsy.
  9. That is creepy as hell. I googled him and saw an even creepier one. I may have to sleep with the light on tonight.
  10. I'm sure many people are aware but for those who are not he narrates a bunch of animal documentaries as well. Pretty funny stuff.
  11. That's preaching to the choir though.
  12. That is the problem. I think most fans merely expected the team to be better but they over achieved all the way up the ranks and now they've fallen back to reality.
  13. I will admit though with the family in town around Thanksgiving it was a lot of fun to watch the games. Most fun I've had watching this team in a long time. They looked promising. Now... meh.
  14. The problem is we had a 10 game win streak and we were at the top of the standings. It was before the holidays and felt ***** awesome. Family was in town, flying high over the success. Lots of high fives. Christmas come early. Now reality sets in and it ***** sucks.
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