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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. The crew that picks up my garbage.
  2. They've stunk for a while. But they're even stinkier tonight.
  3. No love for the leafs? I kid, I kid...eh.... ?>>>?
  4. Keep taking those vitamins and stick to light beer and you'll be around to see it ?
  5. Always a talking point how the opposition's goalie played well against us. Depressing.
  6. I sense no camaraderie or urgency from this group. Just sloppy hockey. Maybe it's just me.
  7. Throw down boys. Whatever it takes to get a spark.
  8. Goddam from that replay last night looked like Hutton was looking at someone pissed when he got benched. Phil? First time I'm seeing it.
  9. ***** you Hall and Oates.
  10. They need to tie this ***** up for me to sleep tonight.
  11. I am really looking forward to this game. However I've removed everything under fifty pounds from the immediate vicinity so I don't have something to throw at it.
  12. Was hoping to see it on the way back from work but the Skyway was closed. Maybe I'll be able to get a peak on the way in tomorrow.
  13. Don't know the dude and it sounds like some people aren't exactly thrilled about it but I'm glad JB still has a pulse. Was starting to think this was a Weekend at Bernie's situation with him.
  14. Hutton keep it up you glorious bastard! If you're that close can you tell them they need to win?!
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