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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Sobotka again? Where am I? What planet is this?
  2. Sobotka, are you kidding me?!
  3. The crew that picks up my garbage.
  4. They've stunk for a while. But they're even stinkier tonight.
  5. No love for the leafs? I kid, I kid...eh.... ?>>>?
  6. Keep taking those vitamins and stick to light beer and you'll be around to see it ?
  7. Always a talking point how the opposition's goalie played well against us. Depressing.
  8. I sense no camaraderie or urgency from this group. Just sloppy hockey. Maybe it's just me.
  9. Throw down boys. Whatever it takes to get a spark.
  10. Goddam from that replay last night looked like Hutton was looking at someone pissed when he got benched. Phil? First time I'm seeing it.
  11. ***** you Hall and Oates.
  12. They need to tie this ***** up for me to sleep tonight.
  13. I am really looking forward to this game. However I've removed everything under fifty pounds from the immediate vicinity so I don't have something to throw at it.
  14. Was hoping to see it on the way back from work but the Skyway was closed. Maybe I'll be able to get a peak on the way in tomorrow.
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