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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Maybe so but I'm feeling the fed-up-frenzy and just dusted off the pitchfork from the shed and am ready to roll.
  2. Now get rid of Vesey. That bastard cost me wasted vacation time back in the day hitting F5 waiting for him to sign.
  3. I know a lot of people at work that had something respiratory for over a month as well (myself included). We're all still alive... for now... Get well.
  4. Time to cue the Benny Hill music for this team.
  5. If we were all smart we would stop going to the games and buying merchandise but this is Buffalo. Half of us are half in the bag most of the time and in some sort of quasi-catatonic state from a combination of wings and snow. The Sabres or Bills could send out remote controlled cardboard cutouts of Peanuts characters on the ice/field and we'd still buy tickets/merch and just grumble about it. I really don't think these teams are going anywhere anytime soon. What, where am I?! Mmmmm.... wings.
  6. I'm not completely sold on the Bills (especially with their schedule) and living through the 90s I reserve the right not to do so but it sure as hell seems that the Bills have something positive going on and the Sabres do not. All I want is this team to play as a team and to work hard but I'm not seeing either from the games I've watched.
  7. ***** Boston.
  8. ***** Edelman
  9. We'll see how the Patriots adjust. It's tied so I can't really complain.
  10. I really thought the Bills would be where the Sabres are and the Sabres to be where the Bills are at this point. The Bills may have had an easy schedule but it sure seems like the players have bought into the culture while the Sabres players seem to have checked out. I lived through the four SB losses so I reserve the right to be pessimistic about anything Buffalo sports but I have a hint of optimism regarding the Bills and nothing but bad vibes regarding the Sabres.
  11. Put the dude in, guessing he can't do much worse. If he does I'm sure it will be entertaining.
  12. Just turned this on. Guess I'll go back to doing a water change on the aquarium. Guessing cleaning fish ***** will be more satisfying...
  13. The Charlie Brown Christmas is my second favorite album. It's a nice transition from Thanksgiving to Christmas.
  14. Carol of the Bells though A Christmas Festival by Arthur Fiedler and the Boston Pops is an excellent album all around.
  15. I'm looking to high five someone around here but the family is asleep.
  16. Where you at? I'll drink you dry!
  17. ***** yeah!
  18. Now I'm scared... JFC tell me this isn't happening...
  19. Shut them down!
  20. Stop em!
  21. I'm seeing two of everyone out there. Is that really happening?!
  22. Pretty damn close broski
  23. That'll help
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