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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. What?! I just woke up from a nap. This isn't game seven of the Cup Finals?!
  2. Too many puppies with guns in their hands.
  3. I'll bow out of this conversation after this because hockey management is above my pay grade and I was looking to vent to someone other than my four year old but it wouldn't surprise me at all if I found a door at the arena that led me to the Sabres version of the Matrix Architect and it just so happened to be Salacious B. Crumb. At least I'd have closure to this debacle.
  4. It actually is at this point. I'd like to see entertaining hockey but I'm not seeing it. The playoffs are pretty much out of reach. Accepting extreme failure seems like the only possibility for anything to change.
  5. The kick in the dick is the fact that he's supposed to be some cap guru, no? I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of this organization but I can confidently say that watching this team is masochism.
  6. I haven't been watching closely but has the GM (I refuse to use his name due to anger) spoken publicly about the state of this so called team? He has to realize that MANY fans are sick of whatever the hell has been vomited on the ice. FFS the dude needs to at least slam a door somewhere in that arena to let us know he has a pulse and he's not a Weekend At Bernie's corpse.
  7. This sounds like a Hunter S Thompson story without the reptile zoo. Please continue.
  8. Or maybe Pegs could reach in those deep pockets for a clone machine.
  9. Sad when I'm watching Jeopardy and Sabres are PIP.
  10. Torn between Jeopardy and the game. Go Ken Jennings.
  11. This ***** team should have won and they blew it. This was their best opportunity in years. My wife is by no means an NFL analyst but for her to ask "what the hell is he doing?" regarding JA speaks volumes. The dude blew it as far as I'm concerned and I don't think he's the answer to their quarterback woes.
  12. Probable unpopular opinion but Allen sucked and he's not going to get any better.
  13. You can only rely on the defense so much. Minus the first drive Allen sucked ass.
  14. Allen sucks ass. ***** him.
  15. Because Buffalo. What else is new. Unbelievable.
  16. We need points here, big time.
  17. This game should be 21-0 but it's been like this all year. Take what we can get I guess.
  18. MUST WIN! LET'S ***** GO!!!
  19. The moment your fishing float is pulled underwater.
  20. Goddam that's awesome.
  21. He was right about Mahomes though, no?
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