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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. This team hasn't gotten better Ray. This team ***** blows.
  2. Is that Botts or Hutton in that bed?
  3. ***** me running
  4. Absolutely embarrassing.
  5. Piss on these ***** turds.
  6. Botts should be able to get a conditional 7th for him now...
  7. Pretty impressive though.
  8. Was the shooter a 2C?!
  9. Skinner needs to step the ***** up tonight.
  10. I'm guessing most people like Twinkies and would end up consuming the entire supply in the first three days.
  11. I wouldn't barricade myself in a room with a three year supply of Twinkies but I would definitely be cognizant of the danger. The government has bolstered personnel to deal with a possible situation. They're taking it seriously.
  12. It was holiday weekend traffic coupled with the hockey crowd traffic that resulted in a longer wait time. I was actually surprised how relatively quickly it cleared. Fans might have started using the northern bridges to get back.
  13. Outbound to CA looks clear from my view.
  14. I need to grab my popcorn to watch the funeral procession back. May God give them full bladders to go with the possible loss.
  15. Indeed, they're out in full force. "Going to the Toronto Maple Leafs game" No, you're going to the Buffalo Sabres game!
  16. Hey now, some of us are required to work with those fans!
  17. So I should cancel the 5000 "Make Buffalo Great Again #Duane2020" shirts ready for production?!
  18. Don't let him out of the building! Damn, disregard...I thought this was the Danny Gare thread...
  19. Whoa, whoa, whoa there. Completely BS. It would only take panhandling outside the KBC for seven minutes to afford to go to one of these games.
  20. Looks like more fans there than have been attending the games as of late.
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