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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Fresh measurable snow in the driveway. You've waited around for the plow to come through before you tackle it. You can't wait any longer and clear it out. As you're putting the winter weapon of choice away the plow comes through like a bat out of hell and buries the end of your driveway. There must be a name for that.
  2. Bescorehand
  3. It's a lot easier coming up with answers than coming up with hypotheticals. I've been thinking all evening and I still got nothing!
  4. Thanks, but I'm at work right now and don't want to hold this up so I'll have to pass on my chance since I might not be able to respond for a while. If someone could take my place I'd be grateful.
  5. Sweet baby Jesus. My Google search of this lasted about four seconds.
  6. I'm guessing they'll get there sooner based on the global response but my question is if this virus has mutated will a vaccine protect against all strains? Influenza has multiple subtypes so there's no guarantee the flu vaccine of the year will be effective. Would that be a similar situation with this virus?
  7. He who controls the spice controls the universe.
  8. Looks like Dyngus Day at home this year without any krupnik.
  9. Hoppy Easter and happy pre-Dyngus Day!
  10. I knew I was doing something right to stave it off this far. Time to step up the protection.
  12. So what, possibly no Knights of the Round in this one?!
  13. Are you serious? Are they intending on making installments to cover the entire game or is the storyline a deviation?
  14. *****, that one flew over my head. Sorry.
  15. You cover one band or a bunch?
  16. I was hoping to get Horizon Zero Dawn after I finish the other three that I've started and haven't finished. Tended to play in spurts and then just didn't have time resulting me in forgetting about them. For PS4 I highly recommend Bloodborne for a serious challenge. The last couple of Resident Evils were good. Also the newest God of War has been a lot of fun.
  17. I haven't hugged or kissed my kids in over a week since they have the sniffles. Hopefully it's just the common cold but I guess we can't be too sure. My wife and I are essential personnel working with the traveling public and aren't looking to spread anything ourselves. At the same time I'm worried if I do start exhibiting symptoms it'll be too late to hug or kiss my kids. Either paranoia or reality is starting to set in.
  18. Watched Charlotte's Web with the kids last night. They've never seen it and I figured it would be a miniscule way to honor the little warrior princess who basically got the ball rolling on CBD. I've been able to maintain a pretty good demeanor through this ***** until I saw her life was taken by this piece of ***** virus.
  19. Very kind words and best wishes to you.
  20. ***** this virus right in the *** with a hickory stick.
  21. Terrible news. Sorry to hear. Stay strong.
  22. The New Orleans chips, no? Think I picked up a bag of Voodoo by them, excellent. Got em from Walmart.
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