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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. I have a couple friends working on the python eradication program in Florida. It's a daunting task.
  2. Now that the public has been "introduced" to the mutant killer hornets from outer space I've noticed an uptick in news outlets reporting about other invasive species. Case in point Asian Gypsy Moth. US agencies have been monitoring for AGM for a few years now.
  3. I believe it was titled Plandemic Part 1.
  4. Sounds like a fun night. This virus sucks but it has likely strengthened a lot of family bonds.
  5. Guilty pleasure song that I've spinning at least once a week during this *****:
  6. I know. Not sure what the angle is or agenda but someone shared it with me. The original link to it was removed by YouTube but a quick search conjured it up.
  7. Has the interview with Dr. Judy Mikovits been posted somewhere? I just watched it and I'm not into conspiracy theories but it was interesting. Was wondering if anyone has seen it and had an opinion on it.
  8. It's funny that most of us found the fit testing a nuisance or comical (or both). Nobody's laughing now. That picture is absolutely badass.
  9. Excellent inquiry. Sixth Sense was great. The Usual Suspects. Though Memento was fantastic as well.
  10. Virus or Vespa, pick your poison.
  11. Like Peewee Herman trick gum?
  12. This is awesome. I would never have thought that was a female if it was just audio. My interest in metal dissipated decades ago but I still have some go-to bands that get my adrenaline going (Machine Head, Pantera, Slipknot). Just recently got into Code Orange. Check out "Swallowing the Rabbit Whole" for crazy changeups. The whole album is loaded with crazy (impressive) *****.
  13. I prefer Miracle Whip.
  14. We are required to be fit tested yearly at work. We also are required to watch videos on PPE and how to don and doff. Personally I think one of the largest problems is that people are putting on and removing masks in an incorrect way that leads to unintentional touching of the face with hands.
  15. Wow, that really sounds like guttural from a male vocalist. TBH, more impressive than Arch Enemy.
  16. I never had an ant farm. Thanks for the heads up. Apparently they're harvester ants and are capable of a nasty sting. Seems ant farms have come a long way. Media now is gelatinous and contains both water and nutrients. Already burrowing.
  17. Bought the kids an ant farm. Ants are incredible. I'm fairly certain they're more intelligent than 85% of us.
  18. This cheap *** toilet paper sucks. You need 12 feet of it for one trip to the bathroom.
  19. Busy as hell at work and don't have time to read. What's the bottom line? All Sabres' brass sucks?
  20. It's okay. I think many of us are used to having high hopes/expectations about something in the beginning only to be let down later... In all seriousness though, glad it didn't escalate and it sounds like it'll work itself out.
  21. I logged in at work just to say this is awesome since a trophy alone wasn't enough.
  22. Yeah, deets please.
  23. Loco locum
  24. Annie says it will.
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