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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. So you have been fishing for crappie...
  2. $20 cherries?! Some aristocrats on here!
  3. Please tell me they accidentally left an extra zero off of that mL amount...
  4. I ***** love loganberry.
  5. Garage with the screen?
  6. Seems like some stressed out peeps up in here as of late. Breathe.
  7. Cut teachers as in permanently? Hopefully it's just temporary until school resumes. Regardless, that sucks.
  8. Maybe Watkins thought Beane was inquiring about him but in reality it wasn't Beane, it was a doppelganger alien Beane looking to do some "probing".
  9. Like a Flowbee? In all honesty I'd give it a shot since I've gotten to the point that IDGAF. My employer might have a problem with a hack job haircut but desperate times call for desperate measures, no? Back of the neck hair drives me ***** nuts! Especially those goddam hairs down low. If I could get the back trimmed I'd be happy.
  10. If it ain't broke don't fix it. One space makes it look like a run-on sentence.
  11. Kids' ant farm has been really interesting. It appears the ants have buried their dead in a mound of media they piled up. I'd be terrified of what they'd be capable of if they were half the size of us...
  12. Summer in July and an early fall starting second week of August.
  13. Pics or it didn't happen.
  14. They are indeed a lot of fun. I think 2020 is gonna be really good for LE Walleye..
  15. Had this song and Ramblin' Gamblin' Man on an 8-track tape back in the day.
  16. What is that like 150 in Fahrenheit?
  17. What's worse than a quarantine? A quarantine in May with snow.
  18. Scored some chicken thighs today. Guess that's the new fantastic for some of us.
  19. My daughter had colic as an infant and my wife told me to sing to her and this is what came to mind. She's seven now but always gives me a hug whenever she hears this song.
  20. Like uplifting?
  21. Impressive. His band mates look dated but he doesn't. Almost Oasis like.
  22. JFC, what year was this from? Cummings looks like he's rocking a grunge look. I'd even go as far as to say he wouldn't look out of place today with that fashion.
  23. Sounds like she missed her calling!
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