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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Props for using Canada geese instead of Canadian geese.
  2. No harm, no fowl.
  3. Looks like they're just winging it.
  4. This quacked me up.
  5. Plausible and I don't mean to be argumentative but in my opinion this team and/or management deserves to be dogpiled on. This organization appears more and more like a laughing stock.
  6. Can't access the article but I'm gonna go ahead and say cue the Benny Hill music.
  7. International Day of Slayer today.
  8. Watching the movie Villain. I'm really digging it.
  9. Me too but two songs grew on me based on movies featuring The Beach Boys. God Only Knows (My Life Without Me) Good Vibrations (Vanilla Sky)
  10. Email today. Sounds legit...
  11. I'm really sick of these celebrities and companies telling me we're all in this together and they're here for me. Really? If you're really here for me why not get your ass over here and edge and mulch my landscaping. Don't forget to bring beer on your way over.
  12. I heard pubes put hair on the chest.
  13. I see that the other thread got locked (for good reason) so I'm just going to post this here. I thought about just sending you a PM but after some consideration I figured I'd post it publicly. I'm sorry that your wife has to deal with the ***** she does in this day and age. It's inexcusable. We're all human and we all deserve to be treated with respect but you know that as does she. I can't change the minds of those that are set in their ways but I can mold my young childrens' minds to respect everyone regardless of differences and that's what my wife and I are doing.
  14. They should bring some Road Rash aspects into cycling. Dude hitting another dude with nunchucks on a Schwinn bike at 35 mph? Yes please. I kid, maybe...
  15. I mean, it sounds like something on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.
  16. I just don't see any possible way that could go "well".
  17. I think we need a few more details...
  18. Damn, I missed it!
  19. That was very cool to watch (please let JBotts be on there)
  20. Watching Into the Spider-verse with the kids. They're enthralled and I'm impressed so far.
  21. Don't be so sure about that. I can see X-GMTM pulling some Pet Semetary ***** and bringing you and those hell hounds back from the grave to relive the continuous misery of being a Sabres fan.
  22. No, it's completely contradictory man!
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