I hate the damn things. I still haven't unearthed a surefire way to eliminate fogging of the glasses other than wearing the N95 or holding my breath. Someone suggested putting a tissue at the bridge of my nose. Apparently it works. That's exactly what I want to do. Add to the complexity of it. Maybe I can spend 10 minutes adding a trim of duct tape around the surgical mask so I can go into the gas station for 9.5 seconds.
They should bring in GMTM & GMJB look-alikes who perform slapstick comedy like Laurel & Hardy. They could have fan drawings to win the opportunity to bop them over the heads with a giant inflatable Sabres mallet.
Thomas the sales manager from the Mercedes dealership.
Richard the general manager from Horizon Yachts in Florida.
Harry the cabana boy who resuscitated their Ashera cat Derrick three weeks ago.
So am I to believe this is a reasonable cost cutting preservation effort because of unforeseen current events or because the Pegs have just decided to go cheap on this team? I didn't know where to post this because my brain is fried from seeing so many new threads.
FWIW (which is not much since I'm just riding coach on this site) my agreeance with PA's post was in regards to management's mismanagement of this team and had nothing to do with you. This team is an embarrassment and I don't know anyone personally that thinks otherwise.
I find it unprofessional. I'm not putting him on a pedestal but that jeering is in poor taste and uncalled for regardless who posted it. Whatever. Moving on, no?
Eagles are cool but they're opportunists. They'll scavenge when necessary. Ospreys on the other hand don't ***** around, they're strictly carnivorous, primarily piscivorous. Truly bad ass? Peregrine falcons.