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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Yes, 7 to 8. ***** *****.
  2. Haven't been following. Please tell me Edmonton has no chance.
  3. I just assume if I see a snake (and it sees me) it's willing to strike. Snakes definitely eat duck eggs but it would have to be a snake of decent size.
  4. You know what's scarier than snakes? Ponds. Damn things are loaded with all sorts of biting insects.
  5. I'd go with milk snake as well but the mottled colors are throwing me off. That goddam screw in that sill looked like a rattle at first glance. Either way I'm not down with ***** with any snake regardless of species.
  6. Three failed maneuvers at a gas station calls for an immediate bail out and not returning for at least two weeks.
  7. My wife's vehicle has the fuel inlet on the opposite side of mine so I always pull up on the wrong side at the gas station when I'm driving it. By the time I curse, punch the steering wheel and try to pull up to a pump on the correct side another vehicle always slides in before I pull off the maneuver. Youse gotta fill up befar goin to the bah naught afta.
  8. I'm hooked. Speaking of which the first three episodes were free, the rest required a subscription to a channel. I rented the whole season on Prime for $10.
  9. You don't by any chance work for PSE do you?
  10. Chafing from yardwork in the heat suuuuuucks.
  11. Depends. Did they get the name right on the urn?
  12. They're putting him down? That's a savage ending.
  13. Ralvyn and the Shipsunks?
  14. How is this? I see I can watch the entire first season On Demand.
  15. Valentine Flats is fairly accessible. Much further upstream public accessibility becomes "hazardous".
  16. Watched The Lighthouse last night. I enjoyed it. Dafoe was perfect for the character.
  17. Maybe I'll call or write you a letter.
  18. I friggin' loved that show back in the day. I was pissed it ended after two seasons. Patinkin looks completely different compared to back then.
  19. Recently watched All Is Lost. I found the lack of dialogue refreshing.
  20. I'm glad you got to visit her and that it went well.
  21. Of course it doesn't. You think the grounds crew calls him Stormin' Norman for nothing?!
  22. Terry probably calls the Bills brass daily and gets redirected to some 80 year old green thumb named Norman working on a more potent form of Round Up in the deepest bowels of 1 Bills Drive.
  23. I have a very strong feeling this ownership lucked into a relatively competent Bills staff that took the reins and closed the circle behind them.
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