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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Great movie. I lump it in with the likes of Lock, Stock & *****.
  2. Tommy Gunn. His hair alone is enough for banishment to the basement of Rocky rivals.
  3. *****
  4. Watched the first episode of Season 2 of the Mandalorian. Thought it was great. I didn't realize Jon Favreau has become so involved (and successful) in the filmmaking aspect.
  5. Not sure if this is more fitting in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or a Dr. Seuss book but either way I like it.
  6. Me too. Just finished the first season. I liked it.
  7. I know a few people here mentioned Doctor Sleep is a good watch and I agree but the baseball boy scene was way too much for me.
  8. Sure is. I knew 4-0 was too good to be true. And that JA talk about MVP? Nail in the coffin. I'm guessing I'm not the only one expecting the wheels to come off. Back to cleaning the garage.
  9. Had a pretty good outing this week.
  10. I'm still bewildered by the fact that this defense went from highly touted to trash. Is it really injuries or has this defense been a facade?
  11. FFS, they'll be replaying that for an entire week.
  12. What the hell happened to the defense? Weren't they ranked top 10 for the last couple years? I get the injuries but man...
  13. I didn't watch all of this game or most of the others but that's been the general consensus from the people I know. It's frustrating since the defense had been the backbone for the last few years.
  14. My God, is it possible this team may actually be legit?
  15. Same here. The fentanyl part kind of made up for it though...
  16. Anyone mind giving a brief synopsis of how the Bills have looked? That's crazy.
  17. Noticed it too. ***** this page!
  18. Not quite colored up for spawning but a nice fish regardless. Nice to finally wet a line.
  19. It's even worse when you're running four to six lines out there.
  20. Normally, unless they're stressed and out of their element like the one that's in your house probably is. Lolz
  21. Plus there's that whole plague thing with them. Kind of a deal breaker for any sympathy from me.
  22. I'm all for conservation but their anthropomorphic angle is comical.
  23. Isn't this the mofo who is bedridden with possible COVID?
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