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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. So Krueger's still hanging around eh?
  2. Me too but it's my weekend. Not sure if I should go to sleep soon or keep drinking and stay up for this one.
  3. Just re-watched The Crow. Surprisingly aged well imo. Still love it.
  4. Very well stated.
  5. I got sidetracked from the article for 20 minutes because of gesamtkunstwerk and another 10 for trying to correct auto-correct right here.
  6. Go back to Full House Stamkos.
  7. Double digits. Do it.
  8. Beat Stamkos' ass!
  9. Daaaaaamn Somebody pummel somebody
  10. That's a scumbag move
  11. Hamster might be on it's last lag.
  12. Geezus, that's his first name? Well I'll be damned.
  13. Is there a force field around opposing teams' nets?!
  14. MARIO ***** WILLIAMS!!! LET'S GO!
  15. I thought this was a dot matrix printout at first.
  16. I like how the suggested videos after that one are house repairs.
  17. Tokarski comin' in hot. Very nice.
  18. Please don't move us back to the kids' table.
  19. The way they pronounced Ruotsalainen sounded like Ristolainen. Thought I was watching a rerun from last year.
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