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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Hasn't this been said for the last decade and a half? No offense to you of course, just using your comment as a segue.
  2. The boil-covered baron in his birthday suit is probably a little too much for me as well!
  3. MIRACLE WHIP !!! Let's f'n goooo!
  4. I wasn't sure what the movie was rated. The original was on cable recently and my 6 yo son seemed to love it. He thought it was like Star Wars.
  5. Anyone see the new Dune? Was thinking of taking the kids to see it but they're 9 and 6. Not sure how appropriate it is. Watched The Devil's Backbone. Pretty good but not as scary as I thought it would be.
  6. Didn't catch the game. Whadya think Miller or Murray said to Lemieux after the fight? Okay tough guy, come fight me?
  7. They need to get their ***** together.
  8. I predict he's done with hockey and foresee him eventually tapping into a yet unknown talent...specifically circus clown. "Jacko the Clown" will have a full and illustrious career.
  9. Happy Halloween party people. MALEVOLENT WITCHCRAFT !!!
  10. "Listen to me. Listen to me! We are gonna get out of this place. Trust me. I promise. Okay? Okay."
  11. Personally, I just want some functional pieces that can contribute now rather than future picks that may contribute years from now. I know others have echoed similar sentiment and I'm all on board for win now mode.
  12. Looks like that sabre just missed the jugular.
  13. ***** Girgs! Good for him, he's hustling.
  14. So Krueger's still hanging around eh?
  15. Me too but it's my weekend. Not sure if I should go to sleep soon or keep drinking and stay up for this one.
  16. Just re-watched The Crow. Surprisingly aged well imo. Still love it.
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