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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. I think the agitation here might be fueled by the repetitive commercials.
  2. Hope Tanev and Eakin don't get tangled up.
  3. What's with this dude in the Napoli's commercials. Am I supposed to know him?
  4. Geezus, that graphic of the kids' injury makes me cringe. Get better soon little dude.
  5. And this game already sucks. Two shorties is unacceptable.
  6. I was definitely part of the Thompson sucks crowd. I don't like giraffes. There I said it.
  7. A lot of us know someone who has or is valiantly fighting breast cancer. Props to all of them.
  8. I don't belize you came up with that yourself. Peruve it.
  9. I think the GDT title should indicate what time it will be on in whatever time zone you end up in.
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