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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Why do I envision a red book on a dusty old bookcase that triggers a secret door?
  2. It's the guys pushing the envelope late season who end up in trouble. Ice fishing is a ton of work and very little payoff. The reward isn't the catch, it's being with fishing buddies that you haven't seen in a while. Like a dude's version of Thanksgiving.
  3. Raiders/Chargers implications? Would we rather play the Patriots or Chargers?
  4. You grew your hair back! Just kidding.
  5. There's a legitimate cause for concern. The offense looked anemic most of the game, against a 4-12 team. I don't think anyone here "spent all game complaining".
  6. Finally pulling away.
  7. That's deep but negative. They lose and I call them losers for the week.
  8. I get that but about those three shanks...
  9. Haack is a hack
  10. Sure has, defense is bringing the heat
  11. Allen looks like *****
  12. Let's ***** go!
  13. TRADE ALL NINE! nsfw
  14. Season 5 of Peaky Blinders. No idea how Cillian Murphy doesn't have lung cancer.
  15. Sounds like they'll be enforcing neck guards in my son's league.
  16. Those words are not in my drinking vocabulary.
  17. Very sad. Bet he's showing off his moves to Gordie Howe right now.
  18. Heard that too but didn't hear the RJ response. Figured he didn't care and went with it.
  19. Blow, suck pick ur poison. It's as if scoring is a Herculean feat right now. Almost comical.
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