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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Bovine, porcine and caprine originating from Canada is generally enterable as long as it's less than 50 pounds. Poultry must be thoroughly cooked. Fresh or chilled poultry is currently prohibited in passenger baggage due to resurgence of HPAI cases in multiple Canadian provinces. Unless you're planning on bringing back smoked poultry, you should be good to go.
  2. Be aware there are now restrictions in place for avian/poultry products coming from Canada.
  3. A new hockey team.
  4. Doesn't sound like it. Feels like this nimrod is gonna be around long enough to be doing shots of Ensure at his local watering hole before he's gone.
  5. Kevyn, whatdya think about that? Yeah, that's what I thought.
  6. It's a major focus of my son's team practices. Puck control... he's nine. They're getting paid at the very least hundreds of thousands playing at the highest level. Sloppy, lazy, indifferent; I don't know what it is but it's unacceptable and it certainly is a factor of this Benny Hill bs.
  7. You can't believe or you don't want to believe? Because I can believe. This team is absolute trash, and not the recyclable trash. The type of trash you need to burn.
  8. Strip all of these ***** of their Sabres jerseys. They're not ***** worthy of wearing them.
  9. Three shots by the Sabres this period?! Are you kidding me?! You pieces of dog *****.
  10. Just went through a TSA checkpoint. You know, Terry Sucks Ass.
  11. Glad Leafs fans are having a blast at Keybank Center...
  12. Bring em into the fold here! Misery loves company.
  13. I don't want him fired. I want him to slowly back up and walk away from this cesspool. Irish Goodbye these *****.
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