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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. Oh, I agree with you.
  2. I agree but....I think the people he's talking about when he mentions "whipping boy" are the ones that expect him to be a 1st liner. However, isn't that where we're at with Sam?
  3. If you're reading the right post it talks about someone posting under a different name...like what seems to happening here with inkman
  4. In some cases I think it's more of an excuse, otherwise ALL Euro players would/should have to go through the same thing. Reasons could be such as .....well he's better than Larsson but we hope he replaces Berglund down the road. So, we'll keep him in Roch to see if Berglund pans out or is in a decline and go from there. Or, we don't have a trade partner for Larsson and want to test the Market before putting him on waivers. Or, we have time before we're in any real cap problem so we let him marinate in Roch until we have problem and then buyout Berglund/Sobotka etc to make room for him. I'm sure there are other excuses they could come up with. That's what I think is "garbage".
  5. Must be your alter ego
  6. Nice.....very creative. Rasto Mittsalynder Dahlex Mittsalainen Alexmus Dahlyderstadt (credit to you) Our centers: Packasey Eichlundstadt
  7. Agree. More weird....I don't see where anyone was being "jerky"
  8. Not even sure who he's referring too....he quoted himself.
  9. Exactly, and he was used in every situation. The other thing overlooked is that players like Karlsson, Hedman, et al is that they seemed to take a couple years to develop to their current level. Just because Dahlin is labeled "generational talent" people want to see him play now and seem to exempt him automatically from any need to adjust. From watching the prospects challenge I don,t see either one needing an "adjustment" period. Hopeful for both to do well no matter what management decides. We also need to see how camp goes. But I just don't agree that one player is an absolute in needing adjustment and the other doesn't theory.
  10. I pretty much agree here except.....and don't take me wrong.....I don't agree with the "he has to adjust" in Roch but Dahlin can adjust up here. Doesn't matter what level they're on and Rasmus3 has at least been here before a few times.
  11. You didn't do it ....Asplund did ? I gotta say that he doesn't look out of place on the smaller rink though. I know his chances are slim out of camp but, he certainly didn't hurt any possibility.
  12. Me either.....that's why we've been having these conversations! on the idea that "roster spots aren't won in prospect challenges"....No doubt and I agree. However, camp is here yet and I think someone may have put penetrating oil on Larsson's stick.
  13. Most of the names you have heard of weren't playing. So that's a good thing I would suspect.....right?
  14. Have you read any posts on these boards....Larsson in particular, doesn't even have a firm grasp of his stick let alone a roster spot. Zemgus is the likely #2 consensus player to be gone. Have you kept up on this prospect challenge? I think it's safe to say Asplund was in the top3 (maybe even top2) Sabres that participated and in all situations. I think he even led in points.
  15. It's ELEVEN....LOL
  16. Maybe check at the tech desk at Best Buy or similar type place.
  17. Looking forward to seeing Glotov tonight.
  18. We agree on Malone and my spare parts comment was a quote by you. In no way was it meant to be derogatory to Malone as i said before "i like Malone. I've enjoyed our sparring only I sometimes got the impression you didn't as much. Remember that these boards should be more fun and entertaining rather than a proving ground for who's right or wrong. we may BOTH be wrong but we both want what's best for our team. I like pushing people who are so adamant about something, into believing that a different outcome might exist So take everything with a grain of salt and remember what you said....."In the end, it doesn’t really matter what you or I think" I also thought a little about your question on who the last youngster might have been to push out a veteran. I did say that factual answer might not be possible and most times it's left to speculation. I came up with Dahlin.....Gorges not re-signed? How much of a factor do you think the Kane trade had on us staying in the lottery? What's your take on this?
  19. Obviously i want to see Dahlin....but I'm also looking forward to seeing Laaksonen. Been hearing a lot about him lately.
  20. I'm the farthest thing from a techie and this might sound stupid but, if you were "relegated" to watching it on your phone.....couldn't you use some type of mirror app to project it to your TV? I don't know if you have that capability or if it's possible.....I hate technology. lol
  21. I don't doubt you heard the things you say you did,but have you ever heard the word "outlier"? Not off the top of my head quickly....but this may be very well a trick question that many people can't answer factually. For example: when was the last time management said something like....Tage Thompson surprised us so Pomminstein is out? These things usually happen by just not re-signing a player, or a trade happens,someone put on waivers keeping everyone to "speculate" so to speak. Unless they pull a Brind'Amour. On Malone....Did Randy tell you that? Just kidding! Really though I have seen prospect articles that spit his name out at the end but no real confirmation from management. Maybe in passing like....players such as Asplund , CJ Smith, O'Reagan, Nylander, Olgilvie, Olofsson, Pilut, Guhle, all could make push for a spot on the roster. Malone's another kid who impressed us. Hey, don't take it wrong, I like Malone and am a sucker for the "local boy makes team" story and wish him the best. You could end up being right 'cause me thinks they have bigger aspirations for Asplund than being "a spare part in Buffalo"......Oh wait, so do you.?
  22. As I said before...It's not me doing the "comparing" of the 2. I'm trying to separate the 2 and base it on their individual merit. 1st bolded....I'm not giving Asplund the same status as Dahlin. I only expect IF Asplund looks good/better than our other options that he has a chance to make the roster. 2nd bolded....you're right, we each have an opinion and that's all that matters. 3rd bolded.... right again, I scanned a few videos to see what his exact words were but didn't find it. 4th bolded....could they be over thinking things? Tell me you never heard of a player "surprising management" and forcing their hand whether it be a 1st rd pick or a 7th rd'er. How about a player who developed faster than thought? If you do....I'll tell you I never heard of a player who disappointed management or took longer than expected to develope so we both can be liars...LOL To say that Berglund has nothing to do with this discussion is just laughable. He came over from Sweden, was on a different level than Dahlin, and didn't need transitioning time. The different management group with likely different philosophies? Seeing that Berglund has been successful kinda proves a point that there are other philosophies and they do work. Edit: As far as Berglund goes.....maybe it wasn't even the management or the philosophies, just maybe it was the determination of the player. ?
  23. If you want to say that all Euro players need transition time and then ADD with the exception of "generational" players, then I MIGHT tend to agree and I might not. I don't really know if there are real hard facts proving that to be true. However, I've been to nearly every D-camp and some training camps over the last decade and you can get a good feeling about players that way. How they respond to the coaches and vice versa. Their talent level or skill set. Where they might fit on the roster. Sometimes it doesn't work out for us but end up playing on another team. I never "wondered IF" Dahlin could make the transition or not so don't miss read my incoherent babbling. What I was questioning is that if you are so adamant that guys like Asplund and Olofsson need time to transition to the smaller rinks and new system etc then why doesn't Dahlin. You responded by asking me how I could compare them when Dahlin's on a much higher level than Asplund. It's not my wondering if Danlin can make the transition at all, it's you not thinking that anyone else CAN and must go to Roch. It is me saying they both can make it not based on the level they are at in comparison to each other, but for their own talent separately. This goes for Olofsson too. I'm glad you can foresee the call-ups, now the next question would be .....how long will it be do you think before they get called up. Not looking for an exact time but maybe before X-mas, near All-Star break, trade deadline, or last 10 games? What's reasonable to you? Another question might be....do you think any one of Asplund, Olofsson, or Pilut gets the 9 game "try-out" to start the season? Do you consider Berglund a "generational" talent? He was drafted in '06 (25th pick of the 1st rd....pretty close to where Asplund pick) and came over as a rookie in '08 to the Blues and played 76 games his rookie year. Funny thing....this was the only Swede I looked up and immediately found one that was not "generational", on "another level", or needed "transition" time to adjust to smaller rink, NA style, yada,yada,yada.
  24. what's so hard to understand...I wasn't comparing Dahlin and Asplund. I was comparing Asplund to many other players who are in the league showing he has a chance to make it too. Are you saying that neither Asplund nor Olofsson are on the team at all this year or do you think with a little "transitioning"period they might come up??
  25. Their aren't many "generatioal" talents in the league....hence the word "generational". There are possibly many equally or less talented players in the league than Asplund. You know....the roster fillers that fit under the cap but are "servicable".
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