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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. Now we might be getting somewhere.
  2. Personally, I saw the trade as a "I'm on the fence about it with hope the players we got back perform up to snuff". So, I guess you could say ab even trade at the time. With those players not playing to par it went a bit south for me. With the recent events with Bergy, I now see it as heading north again. If we get a player (or promote one from Roch) that even remotely resembles what we hoped Bergy would be, then we are back to the "fence". If we end up with an upgrade and save $$$, then I think we are winning the trade.
  3. 1st bolded.....WOW, you are treading dangerous waters here. I got a lot of reaming out when I said Berglund wasn't given a chance with some good wingers. 2nd bolded...the recent problem with Dahlin IMO is that most of the year his gaffs have been covered nicely by his being able to recover from them. In recent games he hasn't been recovering as well and hence the plays you are seeing that stand out more as detrimental to the outcome of the game. Also, he gas been racking up points lately which others are using for an excuse, as you put it. As proven by any thread on these boards, people see things differently. One see's the Gaffs a player makes and it's highlited into their brain. Another see's the occassional great play by a player and highlites that into their brain. I agree with most that Dahlin's gaffs don't out-weight his WOW and being as young as he is should get that "pass". Mitts, I think doesn't deserve the "pass" as much and would expect a little more to this point from him. I like that he's not a liability on the ice, but I don't think he's shown enough WOW for #8 overall and someone whom seemingly was counted on enough to get rid of O'Reilly. Part of the problem is likely not his fault as some of the slack from that trade was to be handled by the return of that trade. That hasn't panned out well at all yet. Tage does look promising and we haven't seen the draft picks yet, but the rest has been abysmal foe our middle six.
  4. I hope he's ok too. Wasn't he under concussion protocol earlier this year? Last night looked bad enough that it wouldn't surprise me if he retires after that....it looked that bad. At least a long ride on IR.
  5. He's been known to be a slow starter and a 20ish goal scorer....would you be happy with a defensive role on the 4th line? I didn't see Reinhart put on the 4th line the last few years..another slow starter and 20ish scorer. Like I said, I really don't care and would agree we could do better whatever happens with this ordeal.
  6. If Berglund was given the chance for lets say 10-15 games as the 2C with players like ...lets guess at Sheary and Reinhart. He would then have either proven himself worthy or not. If he did and then could shelter Casey, we might have more secondary scoring. Maybe not but we won't really know if he doesn't get the chance. I don't really think this team is "over" achieving and if so not by much. I think we are seeing the results of the tank kicking in and what the future is going to look like. Enjoying every minute whether I agree with coaching/management decisions or not.
  7. Honestly I don't really care what happens with Berglund....if it were Jack, yes. The 1st bolded....isn't there a thread dedicated to this with many questioning coaching decisions made along the way? "Houseley should have until end of December" is now on the 2nd page. Has everyone been satisfied with all coaching/management decisions over the years? Or don't you read your own posts either? The 2nd bolded....you could say the same about Mitts. Like I said... I really don't care about this whole thing because I feel it will work its way out and somehow for the better which ever way it goes. Berglund would not be my 1st choice for a 2C any way. The "Hockey Gods" will prevail over this.
  8. Haha.....kinda like the "ugly" X-MAS sweater.
  9. The problem is more that the wildcard team could actually be the best team. May have snuck into playoffs because of early season injuries or other events that caused them to end season on a good note.
  10. Actually I don't have any of them anymore...but yes I did. We won the league the next year.....maybe proof that it motivated us rather than hurting our feelings.
  11. Very limited opportunities and I agree with the work hard to get them.....but then why does everyone want him with Larry and Girgs? It's not for LACK of effort but because he is playing well with them. The line juggling laments to my position of not getting the proper chance with some good wingers on a consistant basis. We probably will never know the complete story about this and are relegated to guessing what would be best response to the situation. (sigh)
  12. Get with the times!!! It's not politically correct to make the lesser teams actually have to work hard to get a trophy, LOL. Years ago my bowling league gave a trophy to the last place team....it was the back-end of mule.
  13. Wait....what does it say to the players when a guy with past proven talent and most people here WANT on the team(on the 4th line where he HAS been better than expected) and feels he can be an even greater asset to this team in a higher role, to be treated in this regard? Was he really given the opportunity for a good sample size to prove himself over let's say Casey for example? Berglund has shown that defensively he wouldn't be a liability by playing on the 4th line but where did he get the chance to prove himself as an offensive threat, playing with Sobotka and(?) ? In some ways I feel for the guy because I wanted to see him succeed WITH this team and feel if he was given the chance with some good wingers that he could do just that. We are all wanting some increased secondary scoring and a way to shelter Mitts to develop and Berglund could've been the answer at least temporarily. Our Middle 6 aren't providing what we need or want especially with Bergs playing on the 4th line. With that said.....however the team seems fit to deal with this situation is fine with me. I just wanted to point out that he seems to want to play a bigger role in this teams success, and that can't be all bad. If he's just being a whiney brat then over this NMC crap and list, then good-bye.
  14. So, that sounds like Olofsson.
  15. Just saw that too.
  16. Metrics Shmetrics....there is the old saying "just make the playoffs and anything can happen". This has been proven in recent years. The thing that makes me still believe is that we haven't seen this team play a 60 minute game but maybe twice(?). Now you could argue that they might not get to the playoffs because of that but, what could happen if they start playing those 60 minute games on a regular basis?
  17. IMO, I think we will be begging them to take one of our Dmen. Just don't touch Ullie or 6K"s. Right now we're developing Dmen like Guhle and Borgen. Over the next couple years it will be Laaksanen and Samuelsson that will develop and be exempt.
  18. I think Redmond is on a one-way contract and can't be called up.
  19. Wasn't saying that's not a part of it ...just saying that there has to be more reasons for their fall. Almost everyone on the team not named O'Reilly is having slightly or more production loss. That's not on the goalie alone. Doesn't help for sure.
  20. No, just an Uber account so there's no need for a taxi.
  21. There is more going on with Blues than the goalie. Outside O'Reilly, all the guys they brought in are playing sub-par. The Dmen are almost all down #'s wise. The Coach was fired. Hutton only played 32 games last year. It must be Chad Johnson's fault, lol. We'll see soon enough if Anaheim derails and St. Louis rebounds. Does anyone remember a couple years ago when Toronto had some discipline problems with a player? I think it was late for practices or similar thing and said player was disciplined, was that Bozak or someone else?
  22. Wrong way to look at the $$$$ and the whole trade for that matter. Berglund and Sobotka's contracts will end before O'Reilly's. Ryan will get about $38M 'til then as compared to Berg and Vlad getting about $23M. Throw in TT at $2M for current contract (who knows if he even be around after that or how much on next contract....so far he doesn't have much bargaining power) and that brings us near $25M. That leaves about $13M to replace them with in the future for a couple years, and that's not to mention that we also got a 1st rd and a 2nd rd pick. Right now the production we had hoped for (which wasn't allot) still can possibly be obtained or nearly. The picks and TT are the possible coups. Money will likely be spared at least for awhile. Cost controlled players will be coming in to replace them (Berg/Vlad).
  23. Looks like we'll be banking some more "frequent flier miles" as we evaluate Pilut.
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