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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. Pleased? I knew it's still there, haven't been down that way in a long time though. Many fond memories revolve around that store and some pretty strange ones too. That strip was great back in the day... Goodbar, Coles, Casey's, all the students from the college, and the other bars around the corner on Forest. Some great times.
  2. But it should be a deep draft.
  3. Brings back memories.....not the cemetery, but my 1st job I worked at Elmwood and Bird, back in the '70's.
  4. Shut down (pull the plug), burnt (cremated), buried, exhumed, re-buried, re-exhumed.....stats says that you live within 100 kilometers of a cemetery. Advanced stats ....within 62.137 miles.
  5. That all depends on how you look at things. On one hand you could say they're 100% right because we all know that teams are not gonna win every game they play and therefore the streak will eventually come to an end. And really, for me, I don't need stats to tell me that. Also, like you said, the mediocre play prior to the streak caused people to question the sustainability after about the 3rd game of the streak. Yet it continued on and consumed a 10 game span, in which the stats in this case would have been wrong from that point until the streak actually ended. If I wrote you a check for $100 and you don't cash that check for about 2 weeks, according to the bank my balance is $100 more than what I account for. I know that balance is "unsustainable" because I know that you will cash that check at some point. You then cash the check and I am 100% right.
  6. I'm not a analytics kinda guy....but odds are that someone points out that you spelled "Let" wrong.
  7. I tend to remember him "dropping" Matt Martin and saying to myself....Wow, we have a guy on this team that actually needs a Jock strap.
  8. I wouldn't worry about it because there is a whole lot more wrong in this world than this. The way I see the problem.....it's all about "human nature". I say the sky is blue and you come back with no, it's powder blue. It's human nature to have an opinion. There's also a defense mechanism to try and support that opinion. The way people express that opinion is another problem especially on the internet where you aren't face to face. All the thumbs up, Beers, emoji's, etc, don't fully convey the expressions and emotions that we are feeling. Another problem is that people take offense to the slightest things, more so today than in years past. Such as your comment about jack's goal being lucky. To me it's just your opinion and was likely just a statement in an effort by you to convey that feeling. No barbs intended toward Jack or anyone else that might differ in opinion. You probably had no intention of starting a "discussion" of this magnitude and were just generalizing your opinion. I could think of 1000's of scenarios where this could happen but there's no room for it here. An example might be.....you are hanging out with some friends at a bar and make the comment "that woman at the end of the bar is hot". You aren't expecting an argument from your friends, in fact, you're probably (if anything) looking for support from your friends. But there's always that one that doesn't like Blondes or she's "too skinny" etc. Another example is the "luck" factor. You say Jack was lucky someone else says "no, i bet he makes that shot 2 out of ten times". You think "well that's sounds like luck to me". The other person says " I bet Matt Ellis only makes that shot 1 in 50 tries". So, is it skill or is it that Jack is "luckier" than Matt? Or, is jack's skill just playing a factor in the luck equation? Ever tell someone that you won $100 dollars on the scratch off lottery and hear them say " I never win anything on those scratchers, you're just lucky. Then you find out they don't even buy them? I'm not an advance stat guy and don't really understand too many of them. Not my cup of tea. But if someone else wants to use them that's fine with me. But they should also respect the fact that I don't understand them and don't push them on me. I try to remember the times (still do sometimes) when some of us old timers were so into SOG and +/- and SV% that we tried to push that on everyone in our arguments. I can't really condemn those who have found other means to support their stand either. All in all, we should just realize that this is just a sport and source of entertainment, and all get along the best we can while not taking it all so seriously. Remembering that we all have an opinion and that it may not be shared by everyone. Next time you get into a spat with the other half and make a off the cuff generalization like "you do that to me all the time".....don't be surprised if she hands you a Fenwick report showing that she doesn't do it all the time and tells you how "lucky" you are that she doesn't. LOL
  9. Might not be so great when they bring up Tennyson.
  10. Amazing he's alright. Glad to see he's OK and that his family didn't have to experience a bad event. Great guy.
  11. "We know the way we need to play," he said. "It's tight checking and limiting the other team's opportunities, trying to play in their end and grind them down. It just seems like we're getting into too much of a track meet lately and probably it's costing us. This was an Eichel quote post-game Oilers. It sounds more like a "slow things down" kind of game. Although, "trying to play in their end and grind them down" seems like speed is needed.
  12. Don't count on it, the Sabres always seem to play "up" to their competition. Think...Tampa. I don't think we'll win but.
  13. Maybe we could get Rakell? Wouldn't mind looking into that.
  14. The only problem I can see is the idea that we have "plenty of left D". While this is actually true, we have a LD playing the RD position (sometimes McCabe or Dahlin). Just need to consider that when putting together these deals. Quantity isn't the only determining factor, you have to figure that one or more of those LD are playing the RD and those players are some of your best "quality" guys. If you give up Scandella then you either have to play Beaulieu/ Hunwick or promote Guhle or ? Not the greatest options.
  15. I wouldn't say that .....but it's going to be a real challenge. Are they up for it? We'll see soon enough. Are they going to get help from JBot? We'll see that answer soon too.
  16. What is PDO? I would guess it's ....Playoff Dis-Order?
  17. This also looks like a straight up 1-for-1 even swap of players, one younger than the other. A "change of scenery" type trade or "we need an aging veteran" . Do you want to swap Sobotka for another Sobotka and think it's gonna help?
  18. The Oilers have beaten teams like Boston, SJS, Jets, Caps, Ducks, Calgary, Avs, etc.....so you could say they are contenders right?
  19. These are the reasons I "don't" believe its the coaching or at least not all on the coaching. What you said here is that we out-played them in the 1st period only to come out of it behind the 8-ball.....so we came into the game evidently, "motivated". If anything is on the coaching it would have to be the PP and 2nd period play. Those are the things that seem to have troubled us ALL season long. But the roster could play into that some also. Our middle six has been atrocious all season and this doesn't seem to be something coaching can fix. It will get better in the near future, hopefully. Not seeing Phil adjusting doesn't mean anything. Why should he have to adjust if he's forcing the other team to adjust? The players aren't playing the system for an entire game on any given night. Why can they compete with Tampa but not with Oilers? 'Canes? Blues?. I think that's more on the players than coaching. The coach doesn't play the game and throw pucks up the middle of the ice to turned over. I've seen some pretty bad decisions on the part of the players in many games.
  20. So are you saying that Phil is a good coach and he makes other teams have to adjust to him? Thank you.
  21. If he really wants to help Roch instead of the Sabres.....send Casey and TT down to develop. Bring up Wilson and let Dahlin play forward the rest of the year.
  22. But the stats? Don't they show we out-played them? 54 -24 in shots attempted, or something like that. This was just a game where they played like Pu.
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