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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. Kreuger's philosophies are what make the difference. The way you treat people is relative to their performance. Who's more important.....Jack who produces offence and gets 21:00 minutes of ice time or Z and Larry who shut down other teams PP? They are equally important to the teams success and I think sometimes people tend to forget that. Also, letting the players have some freedom to be creative and have some fun like they did on the pond when they were a kid means a lot to them. The "trust" that comes with that freedom is valuable Have you ever had a job where you felt unappreciated? Had certain procedures to follow that you knew could be better? Ever have that thought that the people that set those guidelines should have to do your job for just 1 day and see what it's like? Maybe no one ever says "thank you" when you go above and beyond on a regular basis....but they want to write you up when you screw up just a little bit? These are the things that Ralph tries to avoid by making all the players feel equally important and acknowledge each one for their effort in the role assigned to them. They understand what their role is and how to attain the goals set forth within that role. The rewards are coming in the win column and the fact that it's a much friendlier atmosphere to be in. I think culture change is a real thing....especially when it creates a positive influence.
  2. Did Olofsson change his # to 23 during intermission?
  3. I'm looking forward to the next couple years with even more excitement. Add to your list players like Pekar, UPL, Bryson, Fitzgerald, Laaksonen, Samuelsson, and of course Cozens.
  4. Aren't you forgetting RJ???
  5. The Devil whispered in my ear "you don't have the strength to withstand the storm". Today I whispered in the Devil's ear "I am the storm". unknown author Let's go Sabres and blow them Devils away.
  6. It should stay that way as long as the Devil's don't crash our party tonight.
  7. Koekkoek has been around for awhile. He used to be with Tampa (a 2012 pick, 10th overall).
  8. I would like to see someone like Asplund....defensively minded with speed/skills.
  9. Carruba Collision of the game.
  10. Thanks for the advice, maybe I'll give it a try again sometime soon. Sorry to hear about the Mrs and can only assume that all went well (so to speak as I don't know the circumstance). She's with you and you said you would do it again so she must be a wonderful woman. Must have been hard on you both. Your story sounds like a quote I read once....not sure of the author but: "Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient, and the best things come to those who don't give up."
  11. Happy Birthday kid. I wish I could quit, just don't have your conviction. Married 29yrs but also lived together for 4 more. would also do it again in a heartbeat.
  12. OT: I saw that our boy Donskoi scored twice last night. Can't help but think how well he would fit in Vlad's spot.
  13. Us older folks getting up in age, we just call them Depends.
  14. That would be a loooooonnnnnggggg parade route. Perhaps an early start was a good idea, the line at the Peace Bridge to get over here to Buffalo will be time consuming. LOL
  15. Or, let's not let any in....or, both.
  16. Does this include in-laws? .....I have a very offensive brother-in-law that might help fudge the #'s.
  17. Support the death penalty.....end the theory of "where offense goes to die".
  18. Trades Related to Player Mis-management
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