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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. His first season in the NHL and he's older than Sam....no saying that one is better than the other, just not one of the finer selling points. Just for your info.....the 3 players who were tied with their first six PPG 1) Craig Norwich...was also 24yrs old at the time and only had 10g that year with 7 on the PP. Short career of 104 games and a total of 17g. I would say it was more of an accomplishment for him. 2) Jeff Norton...@ age 22yrs took parts of 3 seasons just to score his first 6g (all on PP) in 134 gms. 3) Sylvain Turgeon....most of us old timers likely remember him. He accomplished the same (1st 6g on PP) at age 18yrs. But an NHL record is still a record and congrats to VO and I certainly love watching play and hope for many more goals from him The fact he has become an NHL player after being selected in the 7th rd is quite an accomplishment in and of itself.
  2. Nobody is asking him to "construct" an entire team in one off-season. He needs to fill/ up-grade a few positions and should have the cap space to do it. FA is not the only way to go.
  3. To be quite honest with you, I can't stand UFC and think it's the most boring style of fighting. Any time I've had the unfortunate chance to experience it I've watched 2 guys spend 80% of the time on the mat with arms and legs wrapped around each other trying to keep one and other from fighting. I'd rather watch arm wrestling or lady's mud wrestling, LOL. A good Ali/ Frazier fight or a Tyson fight.
  4. As the old saying goes.....I went to the fights and a hockey game broke out. So until I can watch a UFC fight and see hockey at the same time......I'll stick to hockey and satisfy the neanderthal in me.
  5. I heard that there is a vaccine for this over in the far east for this. Just hasn't been approved by the FDA yet due to the side effects known as a blood disorder called the O'Reilly Factor.
  6. This kinda stuff should be banned....where is player safety committee? Plus, JBotts should be fired immediately for this.?
  7. Just a couple times but I always went to his shop any equipment or drilling. He did a great job with fitting. I bowled at several different Alley's and in several leagues and tourneys. Haven't done it in years though and really miss it. The wife and I met at the bowling alley.
  8. They couldn't be this bad without practicing at it, or...could they?
  9. I bowled in several leagues back in the day and among the leagues that had some guys who became PBA members (Tom Baker, John Masiello, Jim Schroeder, etc. I would be curious to know how the ratings were in Buffalo for the PBA. Ahhh, the days of "Bowling for Dollars".
  10. Well, at least Jack wants to hit something!!
  11. Hockey Heaven?
  12. Eichel practices in anticipation of ...
  13. What is jack's "net worth"? Ahhhh, the good old days of slapstick comedy.
  14. Eichel celebrates his 30th goal of the season.
  15. Absolutely loved this.
  16. If they lose tonight Saturday's GDT should read: Columbus @ Buffalo 1 O'clock Postmortem.
  17. You finally found the answer to our 2c but, which one gets the 1C ....Eichel or Jack???
  18. yeah, but they don't look cool out there.
  19. That does say he has what it takes to make it at the next level....what level is after H.S.?
  20. That's the way I feel about Jack, like...like maybe ....we could get 3-4 of those magical pieces to fill more than one gaping hole on the team. Jack is just a show-off and likes dangle his way around 3 players in disregard for his linemates and shoot for the post or better yet , how about when he starts the wind-up behind his net and goes on one of those puck- hoggin'-Perreault-like rushes end to end. The NHL should take that kind of trash out of the game and they could replace a guy like that with a half dozen or more Matt Ellis' and create more jobs where there is a "team first" attitude with guys who finish their checks.
  21. Just to clarify .....what top team are you talking about so I can think of another?
  22. Never said that and won't.
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