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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. I say JBot will draft ROR at #26....LOL
  2. Not the same but....boneless ones he could.
  3. Same thing....Light Saber Duel Checking your shorts?
  4. I can picture JBot throwing the 8-ball and hitting a fan in the upper deck or wanting to snort an 8-ball in order to be able to deal with the mess he created. As for the Yahtzee dice....you have to be keeping your own score, something he's not capable of doing.
  5. At 1st I thought you were gonna refer to the mis-spelled names on recent jersy's as being a reason for this.
  6. I'd go with Ouiji board.
  7. Trading him would likely be either an even swap of RW or for a 2C. If for a 2C then it just creates a huge hole again, just a different position. Albeit, maybe an easier position to fill but we definitely don't have a surplus of good RW's nor do we have an abundance of wingers that mesh with Jack.
  8. Why do people feel like trading Sam? Domi is RFA end of season, maybe they don't think they can sign him to reasonable enough contract? I don't really know. Just know I saw it somewhere but was speculation.
  9. I saw somewhere (can't seem to find it again) that Domi might be available. Any takers and what might it take?
  10. That was Carolina...not NJ.
  11. Hopefully Hutton keeps the shutout going.
  12. He's just confused because we don't number our lines...LOL.
  13. Just a reminder that tomorrow's game is also an afternoon game that starts at 3PM.
  14. Besides that, I also get to read more pages on here when we lose. Can I get a stat guy to confirm this please?
  15. I immediately thought of the movie Saw.
  16. 11 inches and 10lbs is a huge difference when you're standing at the urinal....that water can get cold.
  17. Just kidding....keep the info coming it's well appreciated.
  18. It took me a few guesses too.
  19. And Brett Connolly should've been Jeff Skinner....Jonathan Drouin should've been Seth Jones. Sabres aren't the only ones that F'up in the draft, there's risk involved for sure.
  20. Can we at least bring back the western shootouts now that Lehner's gone? Just to have a game get that far would be nice.
  21. Me too. I wonder though if this may have been something that was in his "31 Thoughts".
  22. ??? = goalkeepers
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