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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. But with all the "shutdowns" around the world will make it similar in mortality to the flu. Without those shutdowns this would likely surpass the flu exponentially and you must also consider that. We don't do all this and take these precautions for the flu. Basically we are "skewing" the numbers to make it look similar to the flu by all the precautions being taken. We also don't have large freezer units out back of the hospital for bodies during flu season. I am also hearing that some people wanted to donate their bodies for science testing of the covid-19 and were denied and cremated. This is a terrible thing for patients and their families alike.
  2. This belongs in the New Religion Thread. ?
  3. 1) If you think that the fans are the problem then you haven't watched any of the games they've been re-playing on MSG lately. That's the atmosphere Buffalo fans are capable of if you give them a good product. 2) Are you referring to the Tim Horton's incident? If so, then why was he allowed to remain on the team for 3yrs after that? 3) We've seen the down period so when do we get the up period?
  4. Only the Eastern Conference? This has "bust" written all over it and JBot needs to be fired for this immediately, LOL. Congrats to Dylan and hope he has a long and successful SABRES career.
  5. Me too....I had to suffer buying a used Royal Caribbean liner.?
  6. Or maybe he's trying to get a discussion going on ....the Missing Link. But that could be it's own thread, right?
  7. @New Scotland (NS)...I don't really know you and I haven't been on these boards very long compared to alot of others but, I've always had a great deal of respect for you as a person. You've been gracious on all posts that I have read and even calmed me down a few times when I wandered into some pressing conversations. You were very kind in welcoming me to these boards and it was appreciated. My "spidey senses" tell me that you are of sound mind and strong faith and a man of conviction that knows whats wrong or right. That's all that should matter. I feel that whatever makes a person good to themselves and others is all that counts. Whether that be religion, a strong up-bringing, moral beliefs, etc and not just one day of the week/year. Take care. Be safe.
  8. I can only hope that our current players are watching these games and seeing what the fans are really like. The enthusiasm and support that these fans show is what they can expect WHEN we get back to competing. Ooooohhh the memories.
  9. This was a great read and I would be happy with your assessment. What wouldn't make me happy is if he got a nickname like "The Yeti" because he only shows up on a rare occassion and you're not sure what you saw.
  10. As much as I agree with you about the media reporting I have to think that it might be necessary, if only to make some people realize just how bad this is and quit taking it with a grain of salt. Some I'm sure will not learn until it hits home unfortunately.
  11. Yea, that polka dot bikini hid the bush though.
  12. That would be attributed to That Aud Smell.....it couldn't possibly be related to the thoughts of "how to fix the Sabres roster", no way in heck.
  13. When you're drinking and driving? LOL Something to think about.... 1) how often do you grab the hand sanitizer bottle (w/dirty hands and bacteria) and sanitize your hands. 2) how often do you clean the bottle of sanitizer you've hamdled with bacteria laden hamds? Just a thought?
  14. You most likely misread my post.....the point was that they are sons of of former players and those are examples of players (the sons) that are not "mediocre" It really wasn't intended to be a "better than their father" comment and only an example of sons that aren't mediocre. Thank you for your civil response and attempt to verify the information conveyed in my post, it is appreciated more than you know.
  15. Where did you see the word "elite" in my post? Come on....get real. Where did you see me include "all humans on the planet"? The bolded is why I asked LGR where he draws HIS line and not YOU. There is no need for you to put words in someones post that aren't there, especially when answering a question YOU were never asked. With that said....I'm fine with where you stand on your opinion. Why I can't seem to have a different opinion than yourself is beyond comprehension and quite honestly I'm done.
  16. Sorry , I just saw your post. Some of the others have responded with some good posts as well. Just to add a few names.....Max Domi, Paul Stastny, Parise, Couturier, Nylamder, Barrie. While I get it that there is no guarantees, I do agree with others that it can have some advantages. I can also see your point that there are many who may have been "mediocre". But, I would also ask you .....what do you consider a "mediocre" hockey player? Just asking because I don't consider any hockey player that's played pro in any league (whether 1g or 1000) to be "mediocre". You may not feel that way and that is fine with me, just would like to know where you personally draw the line.
  17. Personally, I'd put some stock in his bloodlines. This would "hopefully" increase the odds of him being relevant.
  18. Everything I've seen tells me Laaks is under contract in Finland next year. He signed a 2yr extension in Dec of '18. If under contract at that time ('18-19 season) the extension would be for '19-'20 and '20-'21 seasons is my guess.
  19. Well, I would say....almost definitely one way or the other. LOL
  20. This is from the Sabres article on the classic games aired on MSG.... The games will also be replayed multiple times each evening and the next day on MSG and they will air throughout the weekend as well. They will be available on the MSG Go app, too. And if you miss a game, we'll have it uploaded to our official YouTube channel at noon the following day. Subscribe today! Stay tuned to Sabres.com and our social channels for updates and additional content surrounding each classic game. Facebook Share
  21. I actually liked their arena. I was there for a game in 1990.
  22. what? you never heard of KBotter?
  23. Here is your retort.....
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