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Everything posted by MakeSabresGrr8Again

  1. There is no way I'll argue against Larry's value to this team. His value is in the fact we don't have a middle 6 roster. If we get that middle 6 taken care of I would hope we have players that can not only drive play but also "finish" those plays. He won't get 2nd line minutes either. His value will still be in his proper role.
  2. So you're saying that analytics had nothing to do with their decision to pick a player. That's why I said there's something other than analytics in the decision making process that's causing the failure in drafting. The analytics results should be the same either way and only the interpretation of them could be a problem.
  3. Well, could have been too much change in the roster that stunted the development this year? Maybe they just weren't able to mesh well. You also had players like Bryson and Fitz and goalies that changed the roster quite a bit. This year might be worse with the staff changes ( or could be better...who knows). But anyhoo, thanks for your input. I always get caught up in the hype leading into a new year, will try again not to but I'm not counting on it working. Love hockey too much.
  4. Hopefully he'll come back around. Maybe it was just an off year for him like many players experience at a young age.
  5. Nope, the next thing is having their Twitter account suspended for 2 months.
  6. This doesn't make sense to me. Let's say I make a decision to go with Ryan Johnson. I then check the analytics and justify that pick. Or, I go to analytics to figure out which player to pick, shouldn't those results show the same player as Johnson being the best pick? My conclusion would suggest that something else in the decision making process is where they're possibly going astray....or maybe analytics don't work as well as some think. It's a risk no matter what and sometimes you make the right decision, sometimes you don't. I'm sure we all know someone who wins all the time on scratch-off lotteries while we seem to get all the losers.
  7. Have more than one glass of whiskey and you won't even notice the cloud cover.
  8. He was actually on pace in Roch to equal his '18-'19 pt total (not in goals but pts). His play was not as exciting, but I don't think there's much to worry about. As I'm not a stats guy, did you see something that shows concern? His play in Bflo seemed dull and uneventful, but if he is Larry's replacement I would be ok with that. I'm sure @GASabresIUFAN would agree with me that I hoped that would be his bottom side and could play up the roster.
  9. I've heard some stories from a cousin that worked there years ago. I can imagine what I didn't hear.
  10. Just saw a report on Fox news that Kodak will be changing to produce ingredients for pharmaceuticals on a large scale. Government help that will create jobs. Hopefully it helps the area big time.
  11. Sorry, I lost my mind for a moment and forgot who I am.
  12. I was just showing the correlation of health and politics in present time. That's all, not trying to put words in anyone's post. Hope we're all ok with that.
  13. Maybe this will help... https://6abc.com/atilis-gym-bellmawr-nj-owner-covid-19/6336749/
  14. I thought that too....Seattle?
  15. I copied this from a Chicago Tribune article... His relationship with new owner Alex Meruelo began to deteriorate when he asked for permission to pursue another, non-NHL opportunity.
  16. https://youtu.be/BUsWiIN-LfE
  17. This could be a year where we hear alot of ..."for future considerations".
  18. And we will lack after the trade.
  19. I tend to agree, but then we've been discussing trading him + for a 2C with about 50pts.
  20. I think he's talking about when you go to a store and they have arrows to direct you through the store (such as Walmart) as revamped and limitations.
  21. So, all being equal doesn't work for you?
  22. A better question might be ...does anyone have room for another tattoo?
  23. Boy, did you leave out a whole bunch. But I must say it was a gallant effort to say the least.
  24. It's on TV almost every day... https://youtu.be/dwxADKA2tsE
  25. I don't think it was a wise move to open up the roster/ cap situation this much when we are likely on most players no-trade list and not a favorable destination for FA. That pretty much leaves an inexperienced GM being forced to trade for players or re-sign guys you didn't really want to sign. We only have 4 signed forwards. We have 4 RFA's we could sign. That would leave about 5 spots to fill while not being anyone's choice of destination.
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