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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. Myself, I dunno, but the Bruins are also mentioned as a team interested in him and they seem to know how to evaluate D men pretty good over the years so I'm going to say yes he is better. Regarding some sort of deal around Reinhart for Hanifin, perhaps they are thinking ahead and have a desire to resign Hall and thus not be able to meet Sam's money going forward. One can't know at this point.
  2. I think there will be some sort of season, but how many games and how it's done who knows.
  3. eg: https://www.thestar.com/sports/leafs/opinion/2020/11/07/what-if-the-maple-leafs-experimented-with-three-defencemen-and-two-forwards-its-worth-a-shot.html I suppose it depends on your personnel. Perhaps some of these new age coaches and analysts are looking at the unique way 3 on 3 gets played and see trends in general and thus want to toy with it. Perhaps it comes from Tampa dressing 7 D throughout the playoffs (even though I know they used 3 actual lines). I dunno, I've just read about it being discussed by the Leafs and Bruins whether or not someone actually tries it remains to be seen but bubble hockey might be the time to experiment on anything.
  4. Speaking of cutting edge, there's rumblings here and there about some teams thinking of trying 3 D men and 2 forwards at times this year. It's an interesting idea, and maybe when we had all those D men we should have been on that cutting edge. I mean we already used Risto in front on the PP. I don't think we will do this now, but last year, it might have been an idea given how crap our 3rd line forwards were.
  5. Oh wow. That's different than here in Canada. Looks like in the U.S. rural areas they ignored lockdowns or were slow to implement them, don't wear masks, etc. and so per capita it's a bigger problem. Science and news rejection. We have some of that here and Manitoba now has the highest per capita rate but overall here rural areas like the north have lower rates.
  6. True. might cause a few problems in rural areas but since those are at lower risk anyway shouldn't be a problem at all.
  7. It's interesting, but if they've "been on the cutting edge" since 2015 it might be the wrong edge, and it might be time to cauterize the wound.
  8. The implication of what you're saying is that Biden would somehow be in cahoots with big pharma. I don't believe that is true.
  9. It's a good one. There's an original and an expansion set (they might be sold together now since it's a few years old). The expansion is even better, you can have one person act as a bio terrorist as well as numerous other roles for people to choose. Makes it more complicated and challenging.
  10. We used to play pandemic with the kids and the odd thing now I think about it is our worst games where the pandemic won (so to speak) were when the red Asian zone went crazy on us. My daughter used to call it the "red boom theory" and so for those that haven't played it, that'd be China and then out from there. Just saying.
  11. Its definitely similar in Canada. We have some regional differences and at times northern rural areas have been (and some still are) quite progressive but overall there is a city mouse country mouse difference. We also have a bible belt believe it or not. Huge geographies like both countries have give you that. Is it more extreme? It seems so to me, and both Georgia and Pennsylvania strongly argue for that, but I could be wrong.
  12. There's always been an urban rural divide but it's getting pretty extreme and dug in isn't it?
  13. I think it safe to assume Kahun asked for more from us and only took this low deal from Edmonton to avoid being unemployed in this situation.
  14. You read me wrong. I played hockey and football and I saw it happen. I was the "come on ........fill in name.....leave him alone" guy a few times but I also confess I never stopped anything, I was one of the guys. Not proud of it, but it was way back then and can't be changed now.
  15. Ya, he was a goon, but every team had them back then. I remember when he first came into the line up, he was built more like a linebacker than a typical hockey player in those days and that stood out for me. He could fight for sure, the hockey skills not great, but still, he played and he contributed what he was asked for. Good for him.
  16. I think they're really equal. As Weave said, "similar but different". Both have some serious skills but both have some flaws and weaknesses. tbh I'm not real fond of either one, but they are the high skilled players we have so I simply hope they give it their all with this new pumped up line up and we get back to some entertaining (and winning) hockey. If EITHER has a dog season with Hall and Eichel in this line up...............well, there's no good excuse.
  17. This guy's a real piece of work and I don't want anything good for him BUT I'm just going to say if anyone's all self righteous about bullying what the hell are they doing watching and supporting sports???? Not suggesting EVERY athlete is/was a bully, but come on, we all went to high school. the stud jocks are for the most part ALL bullies, it's just that some of them less than others and some grow out of it, but jock culture is full of bullying everywhere. Going to guarantee you lots of your old Sabres heroes (like every team) were bullies, and most of them never even realized it cause there were no repercussions for it way back then. Star athletes ruled the school and nobody stopped them.
  18. prior to looking at the picture, to answer the question, I expect bigger, stronger, more assertive and better over all. He'll still make some mistakes and have a bad game now and again but he will be getting there. like mentioned earlier by someone, he wont' reach full potential for a few more years yet, but I expect a steady progress to that point over the next 3 years or so.
  19. true. Skinner's a better shooter, better goal scorer, better skater, and is harder to defend in front of the net. Reinhart is a better passer, slightly better 2 way player, and if/when he applies himself is better all around, but he doesn't always.
  20. Believe it or not, I picked Reinhart for both. (but I'd still trade him for value in a heartbeat :))
  21. I doubt anyone offer sheets anyone this year.
  22. Well I think that's that and that's going to be the roster to start the season if or when we have one. Goaltending is the biggest question mark but I doubt they do anything further. Looking at it, we're definitely better than last year, how it all clicks together might determine how good it ends up being. I'm cautiously optimistic.
  23. Eichel's shot is indeed very good, and I think perhaps he has passed more and shot less because of who he has played with and because of the defensive coverage he has gotten. Hall I think will draw defenders away from Jack and he will use his shot a lot more and have his highest goal totals yet. Perhaps surprisingly, Marchand fit perfectly with him didn't he?
  24. The first line is, presuming numerous prospects take leaps and bounds added to the existing new veteran bodies also being good and not disappointing. The second is what Kreuger was quoted as saying. He made a lofty claim that "with our system" the combination of Hall and Eichel could be unstoppable. I believe the article may have assumed Reinhart as the 3rd part simply because of last year, not sure, but it's logical. It was on nhl.com So I think that is the plan to start, and then it gets changed maybe if that doesn't click the way he expects it to.
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