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Everything posted by Ho-Chi-Sock

  1. JJ must have gotten a raise.
  2. He's been doing stuff with a charity for people who have Down Syndrome (Best Buddies I think it's called). A couple of kids who have Down Syndrome that I used to be a camp counselor for actually got to meet him through that charity and from what I understand was awesome with them.
  3. Call me crazy, but I don't think the main objective of being a fan of any sports team is to enjoy take pride in and soak up all of the things that make you miserable about it.
  4. Would it be fair to say that he's.... GENERATIONAL??
  5. I'm not a hardcore hockey geek or draft wizard. I just like what I was able to gleam. The link from mynhldraft that you posted made several favorable comparisons to Hughes and I like the playmaker attribute that he's been thrown. I'll probably be happy with whoever they take unless it's a major reach, but this happened to be the kid I ended up liking the most after reading these threads.
  6. After skimming what blurbs have been posted, this is the guy I want. Make it happen JBOT and hockey gods.
  7. I'm guessing that apart from Hughes and Kaako, no one is expected to start the season in the majors?
  8. I'll try to focus on the positives. The streak, as temporary as it was, was a welcome breath of fresh air. Seeing them beat the Habs in overtime with my dad and uncle was also a wonderful experience. I hope the new coaching regime can make many more moments like that for years to come.
  9. As someone's who played Quantum of Solace and watched Casino Royale, I can appreciate that. But seriously, what kind of system does he run? Can he bring a winning background to the locker room (all I know is that he had the misfortune of prosiding over the Sens' recent dumpster fire)? Overall is he a good fit to get the Sabres to the next level?
  10. Guy Boucher. Sell me on him.
  11. So far in the presser, Bots says the decision to fire Phil was completely his. Not based on Pegula nor player input.
  12. Alain Vigneault
  13. I think Dahlin said something about he lost his love of hockey this year and that it all starts with him. Weird.
  14. A lot of mourning for Hughes. Sabres don't need another potential #1 center. They need middle-6 talent badly. Should be someone pretty easy to get in the low 10s. We need to break this "No playoffs? Time to tank!" mentality if this team is to ever truly shake the losing culture. Go out with your heads held high. Enough of this race to get #1 every year.We got Dahlin, be happy.
  15. Here's a stupid idea. What would it take to get Dylan Larkin to come to BUF to play 2C? Asking for a very stupid friend.
  16. Reinhart and Skinner should be traded and Botterill fired for screwing up the tank. /s
  17. Took all season but I FINALL get to see a DAhlin goal live!!
  18. I'm beginning to think his arrival at the deadline coincided with an unofficlal message to the team of "don't sweat the playoffs this year."
  19. The difference here is that their fans are complaining and revolting the RIGHT WAY, with HONOR! /s
  20. ROR needed to play harder on that shootout. It all starts with him.
  21. While I admit my committment to watching these games has dropped considerably over the past couple of months, I have to say that it's pretty easy to see why ROR is so revered by these "woe-is-us, I-told-you-wesuck" posters. And it's not because of his playing ability...
  22. You're a living advert for Zoloft.
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