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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. This is 100% your fault. Spoilers are inside knowledge of content that has not yet aired (casting info, graphic novel insight, etc.). You forgot when it aired, you clicked on this thread, you got spoiled. You think things should be in spoiler tags to protect you from yourself. Then what? Do we go back and unspoilertag them when your arbitrary time period has elapsed? Leave the thread unreadable because most of the posts are hidden in spoiler tags? P.S. I'm replying to this so late because I'm just seeing this for the first time, as I didn't get caught up on the show until last night.
  2. Why, oh why has none of the local media asked RJ about it? At least we'd get some closure. :wub: Right between them, baby.
  3. So no beard?
  4. Has any of the local media asked RJ about it? Is it a portmanteau of yikes and Eichel? I thought it was a mistake the first time too, but now it's obvious that it's on purpose.
  5. I completely forgot Forsberg's stint with the Flyers.
  6. Why don't they cover themselves in walker gore anymore? It would mitigate many of the problems they run into. (Maybe I just answered my own question)
  7. One night I was hanging out in this girl's dorm room watching a movie. Lit only by the glow of the television we were watching, I caught her staring at me instead of the movie. When I looked at her she seemed embarrassed and she blurted out "You're so handsome in the dark".
  8. What the heck, dude? Some handsome young lad is out there somewhere stuck with the female version of you to balance out the universe. How can you live with that knowledge?
  9. This will be my first game in quite some time.
  10. Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiitttttt
  11. Mrs. Assquatch and me:
  12. I love you and the internet.
  13. Girgensons doesn't wear one at all. It drives me nuts. This can't be true. If you get hit on the chin a mouthguard is going to assist in decelerating and not directly transferring the impact to the brain, much like a crumple zone in a car. Admittedly this type of impact is probably more relevant to a boxer than a hockey player.
  14. That story is a sobering account of how badly a few more points last year could have affected this teams trajectory.
  15. Assquatch

    That guy

    You are almost certainly thinking of Yuri Khmylev. Or maybe Olga? Although that second part is probably just me.
  16. Woohoo! I can repay my Little Rock ship's company debt. http://metroid.wikia.com/wiki/Justin_Bailey
  17. I think it's spelled Lettinemin.
  18. I didn't expect to like it, but it I did. It did seem to carry on with too many "here we go now"s (twelve consecutive if you count the last two that left out the "now") but I'm sure they'll tweak it into what works best. Like others I wonder if they will play it if they're on the short end of an out-of-hand game.
  19. Players seemed to be falling untouched a lot more than usual last night. Pucks seemed awful bouncy as well. I'd have thought the ice would be in the best shape it could be in last night.
  20. He needs work. Now he no gets work.
  21. You keep saying this. How else would it work? Are you saying there should be a whistle blown killing a live play so they can review a maybe offside?
  22. Sabres didn't even get a chance to be shorthanded
  23. Are you not entertained?
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