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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Definitely a warrior. A little funny to hear his brother punking him about high heels and a purse. That is one tough family.
  2. They had the actor and actress that play Glen and the farmer's daughter on Talking Dead. They asked him what it was like dangling in a well for so long and I was hoping beyond hope that he'd respond by asking if they were talking about the pharmacy scene.
  3. A bunch of people all pulling horizontally to pull a body vertically out of the well without thinking about what would happen when it got halfway reminded me of the scene in The Wire when half the folks were on each side of a desk wedged in a doorway trying to move it and it turned out both groups were trying to push it into the room the other group was in. It's amazing what a few seconds of thought and planning before action can do.
  4. Agreed. In other news, I have been really enjoying zombie shows lately. I caught a few minutes of a show on MTV I had never heard of before called "Death Valley". It looked like Reno 911 with zombies. Completely ridiculous but if you're watching a Reno 911 type show that's what you're after. I saw online the show also has other versions of undead creatures (vampires etc) that the local police are battling. The few minutes I saw had zombies captured and chained inside a cage. They were unchaining the zombies 2 at a time to fight and people were betting on them.
  5. How far out were they trying to pull the walker? When it got stuck, it was out far enough to smash its head without it bleeding into the water supply. Instead they pulled and pulled until it was drawn and halved.
  6. That'd be a grope-on.
  7. They're STILL sacking John Beck?
  8. Pardon my ignorance here but I didn't fully understand the hanging zombie. The guy got bit, wrote a poem and hung himself. Assuming he died instantly, when did the walkers chomp his legs? They don't seem to eat dead flesh (they walk right by the dead folks in cars on the road) so it doesn't seem they'd eat him before he "turned", and they don't seem to eat each other so it doesn't seem like they'd eat him after. In any case, I enjoy the show (other than the fact everything seems sepia-colored for some reason) and am hoping we see a reanimated Otis at some point.
  9. Not that I'd ever put much stock into the announcers (and I don't remember who it was because I flipped the audio from the TV to Murphy and Kelso at some point) but FWIW he said the ref was reaching for the flag instantly but had trouble getting it out of his pocket. (Pretty sure it wasn't Dick Jauron.)
  10. I didn't either until I cleared my cache and then hit ctrl+F5
  11. If he is going to add via trade, he needs to do it by Tuesday's deadline.
  12. As my parents are snowbirds, they are leaving for their Atlanta home next weekend. They wanted to spend some extra time with my kids so they will be spending the night with grandma and grandpa tonight. For the second night in a row, I have the (usually rare) opportunity for some free babysitting and a night of "do whatever the hell I want". Might do party in the plaza, might just do a local watering hole for the game. Definitely don't need to be up early tomorrow for any reason. :beer:
  13. Today is my birthday. The wife and I went to the casino and I played craps for the first time ever. Literally walked up to an empty table and asked the (dealer?) how to play. I won a couple hundred dollars even after tipping the (dealer?) handsomely. Just got a call out of the blue from my adult step-son. He and his fiance offered to come home from college near Rochester tonight to watch my two younger kids so we can go out again tonight. Sorry I've got no complaints but if I waited until F'n Friday to post this, the first point would no longer have been valid. :)
  14. Sex. They've changed it.
  15. Play your cards right...
  16. Nice to see you
  17. Taro my post count would be much higher if you weren't so good at saying what I was thinking in a much better way than I ever could. Thank you sir.
  18. Sorry chz.
  19. Perfect. I'm in Vegas now that sounds like a good place to get some gifts for the kids. I was down near the MGM yesterday and made my way up to Harrahs but somehow missed the M&M World but I have one more day to kill.
  20. I've noticed the same thing on CBC. I pick it up crystal clear off the backend of my rooftop antenna and the announcers on HNIC are difficult to hear over the crowd.
  21. In any case thanks for handling this small disagreement over what I'm sure is a touchy subject for you with grace and class. I'd hate to see how something like this would have gone on "the other board". Yesterday they were calling each other idiots because half of them said they would rather have the current Bills QB than Tom Brady.
  22. See above.
  23. It just sounds conspiracy theory-ish to me. Why would the government be paying anyone off regarding vaccinations/autism? What's in it for them?
  24. Sorry about your daughter. I have an autistic child as well but nothing as severe as what you're going through. You seem to be making a lot of assumptions regarding causation.
  25. Sunday afternoon I was on Grand Island Blvd just north of Fantasy Island and came across this scene just after it happened: An elderly woman had "fallen asleep" at the wheel, drifted off the right side of the road, ripped off her oil pan and exhaust when she "passed over" a sewer entrance, then drove/coasted another 100-150 yds(!) through brush and between trees before her car died from lack of fluids. No skid marks it seems she "slept" even through that bumpy terrain until the car stopped on its own. We stopped to help and she got out of her car, said "I fell asleep - it happens all the time". She said her brother lived right around the corner and she was going to walk there. We called the cops and by the time the police showed up she was gone. We talked to the cops and he said "I think I know who you're talking about - she was driving around her son's apartment parking lot last weekend hitting dumpsters (plural)" Then she comes wandering back and I point her out to him and he says "yeah that's her". I hope he took her license but somehow I bet she's out there "driving" right now.
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