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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. I last used it when the Sabres were allowed to play beyond the regular season. I would use it again if they ever brought that back.
  2. Thank goodness board security features show other users your password as asterisks. Assquatch *******
  3. Fake news. I did not say that.
  4. As an overweight guy who has done nothing more than "know" I have to drop some lbs, I have great respect for the amount of weight PH has been able to lose. As a 12 year old with 32 years experience, I've always mentally referred to him as Hammiltoe.
  5. Hammiltoe implied on WGR this morning that Reinhart's results improved this season when he played more "his game" and less "Sabres system".
  6. So glad we no longer have those snake owners!
  7. A group of Rasmuses is a "tank". I looked it up on Twitter.
  8. In pretty sure I remember seeing a picture of a young Josh Allen in a Tom Brady jersey on Twitter. If I'm right and it wasn't a fake, that adds him to our growing pile of high profile Buffalo pro athletes with that distasteful quality (Eichel, Dahlin, and Allen)
  9. "After further review... the ping pong ball was a 3, not an 8..."
  10. Holy shitsnacks, they won!
  11. They should give us an expansion team soon.
  12. I got through the entire thing and didn't suspect. :facepalm:
  13. I finally found it on the app store and shortly after installing it, 3 $50 gift card for iTunes were purchased with my Apple ID without my permission. Refund me now!
  14. Wow! Great work by all involved. Do you have a link? Searching the apple app store by name didn't bring it up. I got a lot of squarespace results...
  15. I'd've mated with it already.
  16. Yes. In a league where more than half the teams make the postseason, 7 seasons is a drought.
  17. It sounds like he was saying after the first period (meaning 2nd and 3rd combined) it was 1-1. In other words, it was 1-1 the rest of the game, not that the score was 1-1 at the end of the 1st.
  18. It's working for me. Try pressing CTRL+F5 to clear cache and force refresh if you're on a Windows PC
  19. The theory is that your passwords are encrypted on their end, and your master password is the decryption key which never leaves your computer. The data on the password manager's end is completely useless to anyone that gets their hands on it unless they also have your decryption key. I also use 2 factor authentication with my password manager so even my master password would be useless to an attacker unless they also had my cell phone and fingerprint to unlock the phone and again the app.
  20. Thanks Scott. Personally, I could never go back to not using a password manager. Try a utility from Nirsoft called WebBrowserPassView. Or log out and go through the password reset procedure.
  21. Assquatch

    OT - RBF

    I've found that upper management wants subordinates to be perceived as cheery yes-men while being perceived as miserable themselves. The solution to this is to take that position with another company where the deck's not already stacked against you (assuming you can twinkly-eyed smile your way through the hiring process).
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