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Everything posted by Assquatch

  1. Your point the other day seemed to be that Pegula sucks because the team is currently so bad. As if a good owner would just be able to close his eyes tight and wish hard and wins would magically appear. There is a process and other than not replacing Darcy sooner, it seems he's making all the right moves. You appear to just want to shout "Yay!" when they've already won and "Boo!" when they've already lost, and ignore the process to improve the team altogether because you've been burned so many times before. I don't understand why you'd involve yourself in discussions about the front office with nothing more to contribute than what equates to "stop getting excited about the new hires because they haven't worked in the past". And trying to stop other people from getting excited about the process is why you got "blasted".
  2. It's the next giant step in rebuilding this franchise into something great. It sucks that you can't enjoy the ride.
  3. Oh, thank you so much for doing that, especially since you had to do it twice.
  4. I recall many times when TV ratings came out for playoffs in which the Sabres were not involved, that the highest TV ratings were the two teams involved, followed by Buffalo at #3. As tom webster pointed out though, this is percentage not highest headcount.
  5. Did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?
  6. From my Navy days: I could tell when the new kids were feeling seasick as they'd be hanging around the rails and turning a little gray/green. I could talk to them to take their mind off it and I could really see the appreciation in their eyes that I was taking an interest and trying to help. Eventually I could turn the conversation back to how they were feeling and offer suggestions about things that helped when I was new to the ship. Just the words "mayonnaise milkshake" resulted in more than one kid immediately blowing groceries. Yes it was mean but often the only way to get over the seasickness was to actually get sick.
  7. I'd prefer he observe the rest of the year up close but honestly interim tag or no, Nolan can be replaced any time Murray decides to. On the other hand, Nolan's strength seems to be getting the most out of younger players, and it appears we're going to have a ton of youth in the organization for the next few years.
  8. Did you really pull a stray piece of bone out of your jaw with tweezers? That's badass
  9. Can someone who follows other teams more than I do give the Cliff's notes on Patrick's results/influence with Columbus?
  10. Good thing they held Kadri back on the bench. He was really going to go kick some ass.
  11. I'd take the 2nd rounder. Too much of a mismatch between his age and the age of the new core. I'd use my giant scouting department and extra currency to get what I project to be a decent but reasonably priced goaltender of appropriate age.
  12. I'd imagine the type of teams Miller wouldn't want to go to are not the type of teams that would be renting a goalie anyway.
  13. I was actually jealous that you had enough to bet 2 units as I was stuck at $183 at the time. I'd have bet two if I could have, and I would have lost even more than I did on last night's game.
  14. This is the problem I have with the English language. My OCD is happier when I have a set of rules I can follow blindly. When there are so many exceptions to rules it's maddening - e. g. my "well is sometimes an adjective" mistake earlier in this thread.
  15. Mike Schopp was wondering on the air yesterday when the first trade would be, and joked wondering if it could be as soon as yesterday. The guy has been doing non-stop press conference/interviews.
  16. How the heck does he go back in the game? Seems like a guaranteed infection under sweaty/germy hockey gear.
  17. Peca scheduled his wedding during the Cup finals, right?
  18. You big bully with your > 2 units bankroll!
  19. :( At least when it pours, it'll be nice to have a working sump pump!
  20. @183. $100 on Buffalo even though Enroth is in.
  21. No one's asking you to jump up and down. You were casting doubt on whether the future was bright thanks to Pegula's ownership. Sorry he doesn't lace them up and score or prevent goals to result in an immediate change in the W/L record but if you honestly think things aren't trending up since he took over then frankly your opinion means nothing to me.
  22. Then the owner must suck. All benefits from ownership change should be immediate. There can't be any long term benefits from the locker room to the weight room to bringing quality hockey people onboard and flexibility with contracts.
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