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  1. i will be honest, i was a huge football fan in my younger days, but unfortunately i picked the jets as my team. year after year, they failed. i knew i couldnt just pick a new team, so i stopped watching completely. that has happened to me with hockey too. i thought i could pick another team, but really my heart will always be with the sabres. however, they will not be good in my lifetime i have come to accept that my teams are never going to be good
  2. my old company used to outsource to russia for some of the programming work, and I was in charge of them. i really got to know a couple of them and they were amazing people. many would say how they hated the politics going on there. i know no politics on this site, so i will leave it at that
  3. hasek was the reason i started following the sabres. my very first game i watched was an islanders vs sabres game. i was going to follow the islanders, until i saw hasek. after a short while, i started rooting for him instead of the islanders. i became a sabres fan ever since that game
  4. you know who else quits on their team when they are bad, eichel
  5. I think it's a decent trade for Chicago. They got something for nothing
  6. Before I got married I followed baseball like crazy, and was a huge red Sox fan. Every non work shirt I had was red Sox. Anyway, I went to a random Phillies game wearing red Sox shirt and got heckled like crazy for the 1918 garbage. They weren't even playing the red Sox I have been to many games where people were opposite teams and people act like jerks to them. I'm just trying to say I understand what you are saying and agree with it, but in general, people are jerks
  7. i was just going to mention how ullmark moves to a good team and becomes the best goaltender in the regular season in Wins, GAA and Save%
  8. I don't think Jack ever gave a crab about anyone but himself
  9. i have youtubetv. we are in nj, and right on the border of philly and ny channels. youtubetv is the only one that let us choose which we wanted. all the others forced us into philly. my wife is a big football fan of the ny giants fan, so we stick with youtubetv. our local cable company was more money than youtubetv, but not much more than youtube at this point im sick of the price increases, but really dont have any other choice. we havent had any issues with it, but i would prefer one that was cheaper. years ago we had the sony one, and it was great. unfortunately, they stopped the service.
  10. this is how i remember jack, always
  11. i know the sabres being terrible was not jacks fault, but terrible management. i just dont understand why i rooted against jack in the playoffs and the cup. my feelings have not changed, and i will still root against him, i just dont understand why i have such a dislike for him now. maybe it was him constantly sulking when he was here. i dont know
  12. I really wished that Eichel got traded to a team like Columbus or something, where he could have been equally losery
  13. reinhart looked very good last night. fighting for possession and really working hard. not to look back, but i feel that he didnt play this hard in buffalo also, i have to say im rooting for every team except vegas...stupid eichel
  14. i had bought 2 shirts and both of them had the design disappear in the dryer the first time. they wouldnt refund or replace since it was worn. i have a couple of the jersey's they are not good. i also have one from before fanatics, which i think is Adidas. that replica is a million times better than fanatics
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