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Second Liner

Second Liner (5/8)



  1. We have a fourth liner in Tuch as our first line captain. A second line center as our 1C. We have 1oa defenseman picks who play like a 4th round pick. You have a half dozen small forward kids with zero confidence. Yeah everything is going to look bad and it’s a talent problem. We had a leadership problem when we had talent, shipped out the talent, finally fixed coaching but the talent is already gone. No veterans to pave the way. but whoever is doing our PP needs to go.
  2. Ruff is fine we’re just too young of a team in a men’s league.
  3. Covering nuka apparently wasn’t in the game plan
  4. I’ve only ever looked at +\- for defenseman and third/fourth liners, but not sure what pitfalls that puts me into.
  5. That team was decimated by injuries wouldn’t gloat but that TD was hilarious. Yes they having fun in the snow
  6. Second game in a row where we lose because of anemic power play. We need a new specialist coach not players
  7. Haha we actually got the call. Maybe when we shouldn’t have lol
  8. Fought back and earned a point. If they wanted two they should’ve scored on one of the power plays
  9. Not sure why Ryan Johnson hasn’t been given more chances I don’t think he’s ever been a liability when he’s played pro. Must not impress in practice
  10. If he’s there three nights a week it’s a second home to him. Makes sense. Hope the law doesn’t do anything dumb
  11. Lafferty is the weakest link up front. And he isn’t too shabby just no offensive skill. Good place to be. Get our tall guys back and we are in business. annoying we brought in byram and still have defensive depth issues. Lot of times Bryson did something dumb out there. i go find more defensive depth before I touch the forwards. We have tons they’re all young, let the cream rise
  12. Team misses Greenway and Thompaon Power has such noodle arms
  13. Gotta pay for 560mil in stadium cost overruns somehow
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