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irregularly irregular

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Everything posted by irregularly irregular

  1. Sad to hear this news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And yes, hospitals can be horribly lonely places for some patients. I've spent 35+ years watching the family dynamics play out with sick family members. Makes you wonder how the species has survived.
  2. Lots of "what if" variants to this question. Too many to even rationally consider at this point and provide an answer for the poll. Many here have made good arguments both for and against UPL staying up with the Sabres. Let's wait until Comrie is ready for a rehab assignment and by then some of the other questions may have been answered. Until then, I just don't know.
  3. This, and they couldn't care less about customer service. It's like they are doing us a favor by simply making sure we survive the trip and nothing else is at all important. We recently returned from an extended multi-city, multi-country trip where 2/3 of our bags were delayed or lost, with one still totally unaccounted for. Finally today spoke with someone who actually seemed to understand the problem and care enough to do something about it. We will see if she calls back with any idea about where bag is at.
  4. Hitting the bottle a little early are we? I guess that you have not noticed lately, but optimism is no longer allowed here.
  5. Agreed. At the same time we all need to give him a chance to prove that he has indeed grown and is a MUCH better person. As stated above, there has to be a short leash with clear boundaries established. A shock collar set a max would be a good idea too.
  6. Radiologist as in the guys that the Sabres medical staff works with and trusts. Not Nighthawk. For those of you not working in medicine, Nighthawk is the overnight Radiologist service provided by a bunch of guys and gals in India and Pakistan. Their abilities are suspect and their diagnosis is often overturned the next morning. Technology is great, except when it isn't.
  7. They can usually get a solid idea of what's up with manipulation/testing and drawing a little synovial fluid from the joint, but as Woody indicated there is nothing definitive until the Radiologist has become involved.
  8. Good to hear that you are finding the things that get you through your day. One day at a time, working hard to make tomorrow better and most importantly never, NEVER giving up.
  9. I'm already working on that bet with him. Take a number and stand in line.
  10. The bar has been set for him right there in plain sight. If he does not established himself as at least the solid backup tender for the Sabres by the time this contract expires, his time with the Sabres and maybe the NHL will likely have come to an end. Hope for good results from UPL, but have no idea if he has it in him or not.
  11. When was the last time Kessel was on the ice for a defensive zone face-off?
  12. 982 contests, but he should only get credit for about 2/3 of that. Phil's 120' game on a 200' rink is amazing. Only time he is ever been below the dots in the defensive zone is when it's between periods and he has to go there in order to get to and from the locker room.
  13. No problem with venting here. You are among friends and you letting off a little steam doesn't bother us one bit. The path is not always easy to see or traverse, but you will find your way to the end if you just keep at it and making headway.
  14. Is this something that was fabricated by a less than adoring fan? What is the very fine print at the very bottom? I enlarged it and think it says "probably", so I have my doubts this is an actual quote. Although Lehner has the history to support such an outburst, I hope he isn't going to sink his NHL career with such a remark. He might be crazy and a loose cannon, but he knows where his paychecks are coming from.
  15. That seals it! Bun for GM!!! Sorry Liger.
  16. Incredibly distressing news. That is absolutely the antithesis of what Chautauqua is about. I grew up just up the road and have spent many hours there at concerts, Sunday morning services, movies, theatre, etc. The 5th standard deviations on the curve are having way too much effect on the vast majority of us and I'm talking about those at both of the far ends. A prayer said for Mr. Rushdie.
  17. Just really thankful you didn't type Speedo.
  18. That's a big component of the bad teams staying bad teams. New coaching, new management, new scouting all working with players drafted for a different system leads to the wash, rinse, repeat cycle. This is part of the reason I want to see progress from this upcoming season of Sabres hockey, but won't be devastated if they don't make the playoffs. Playoffs this year would be great, but compare that to a solid organization with lots of playoffs in the future and I'm willing to wait.
  19. Nevada State Motto is Battle Born. They became a state during and due to the Civil War.
  20. 2 things give me hope. As you said a hockey nerd that hopefully figured out his game and he will build upon the success of last season. Also a genuinely good guy that the boys will play hard for. The Anderson effect from last year where the team played better when they had a goalie who kept them in the game.
  21. That was last Sunday and nothing more than a rumor at this point. I was expecting something much more definitive to have occurred long ago.
  22. So is Kadri taking the year off, or what?
  23. 100%. Get your PSA tests done fellas! And you ladies get your parts checked as well!
  24. Thanks much for the replies. Even the "funny" ones. I just turned 64 and have been working the past few years on a when I want to basis. I still enjoy working, especially when I pick and choose when and where. Work has not been as important since having a little fight with Prostate Cancer. But watching the nest egg getting battered just on the verge of retirement has been difficult to take. Thanks again for the input. Some interesting ideas and I appreciate the feedback.
  25. After doing a topic search, I know for sure I will not be seeking investment advice from Andrew Peters since his prognostications are totally off base. I spent several hours last week and this weekend looking at our IRA, Roth IRA, SEP and cash accounts. Admittedly the markets have been volatile this year, but the fees and expenses charged are what is killing me. It's of little consolation to only be down a little compared to the market, when they are still charging me the same fees as if they had increased our account values by 25%! I'm seriously considering moving everything to a discount broker and doing inexpensive index funds and money markets. What do you do to keep your nest egg growing without the vultures pecking away at it? My apologies to you if you are a vulture and/or financial advisor. Like all professions, some are better than others.
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