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Everything posted by erickompositör72

  1. Oh wow, was that Tage doing something dumb with the puck at the blue line with no support behind him? Where have I seen this before?
  2. If we win our games-in-hand, we're right back in the mix!
  3. The least of this team's problems are the letters on anyone's sweater.
  4. The GM has just not found the right pieces. We have talent, but we are missing key ingredients. You can point this back to the owner, but there's an outside chance the owner could luck out into a good GM (see Bills) who could solve our problems.
  5. We've had teams that "lacked heart," but had enough talent to get into the playoffs. I'd take that over what we have now. "Heart" is the least of our current problems.
  6. Or they play an unsustainable combination of early bursts of offense complemented by defensive breakdowns.
  7. I just wanted to put this out there: I do not buy this “lack of heart” argument in any way/shape/form. It is a lazy argument/a cop-out. Heart is maybe what enables the 2nd-most-talented team to beat the most talented team to win a Stanley Cup. It’s not something that has anything to do with the Sabres’ problems. The Sabres problems are very empirically observable, not esoteric.
  8. Or because they knew they had to beat Hasek Similarly, we were the hardest working team because all the players knew they were playing in front of the greatest goalie ever. That is pretty motivating.
  9. I'm convinced Lindy is currently our only hope. He is the kind of nostalgia agent that could win Terry over (if he hasn't already), and actually has enough NHL contacts & experience to identify the right people. Whether he stays on as HC and helps Terry pick a new GM, or becomes the GM himself and picks a new coach, I don't see any other way Terry figures this out.
  10. They can tell, just f-ing with Buffalo fans
  11. Yesterday's GDT would have you thinking we were in last place. I wish it wasn't like that here. I think myself and other sincere fans have thoughtful things to contribute, but are not willing to sift through the endless doomsday nonsense, and therefore don't participate as much as they would.
  12. My site preferences have also been fixed. Thanks!
  13. This forum is unreadable at times. GO SABRES
  14. What does it say about my sophistication (or current level of inebriation) if I found this thoroughly enjoyable?
  15. Perhaps the style of play Ruff preaches resonates with Greenway's natural strengths.
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