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Everything posted by Cheektorado

  1. Alright boys put them away in the 3rd. An early Sabres goal will take the wind out of the Flyers.
  2. My first time in the Oranges I was scared.
  3. Started going to the Sabres/Braves games in 72-73 seasons. I remember getting discounted orange tickets but don't remember how. I do remember, "That's 2 for McAdooooooooooooo"!
  4. Best game I seen him play in a long time! Good for you Risto keep it up. Winning is contagious and I hope all the boys are catching it.
  5. Pegula Sports and Entertainment, LLC. 199 Scott Street Suite 200 Buffalo, NY 14204
  6. That's why I posted above about the Sabres record against Pittsburg. It's a BIG game for them to go in there and win. Sabres have 1 shoot out win and 14 losses in the last 15 games. Bulletin Board Material !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. A win tonight in Pittsburg will break an 8 game losing streak on their ice. Last time Sabres won in Pittsburg was 23 April 2013. https://www.hockey-reference.com/play-index/tgl_finder.cgi?request=1&match=game&year_min=&year_max=&team_id=BUF&opp_id=PIT&arena_id=&game_location=&is_playoffs=N&playoff_round=&won_series=&game_num_type=team&game_num_min=&game_num_max=&game_month=0&game_result=&game_type[]=R&game_type[]=OT&game_type[]=SO&cup_winner=&c1stat=&c1comp=gt&c1val=&c2stat=&c2comp=gt&c2val=&c3stat=&c3comp=gt&c3val=&c4stat=&c4comp=gt&c4val=&order_by=date_game
  8. I agree. While I do want to be patient and have been with Sam, I want to see a little more desire/passion.
  9. I'm not sure about that but I do know the Sabres need to go into Pittsburg and get a win and throw off that monkey. The last time Sabres won in Pittsburg was March 2013!
  10. The feeling is mutual.
  11. Nobody wants Sam to succeed more than me. He just still playing the Old Sabres game. He needs to get faster with his stick, legs and mind to catch up to the rest of the team. I'm still hoping he can do it. I feel he needs to take charge of the second line and produce there. IMO
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