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Everything posted by Cheektorado

  3. Who is going to step up and knot this thing up?
  4. http://www.courant.com/sports/hockey/hc-tage-brent-thompson-uconn-sound-tigers-1224-20151223-story.html Good story about Tage and his father Brent and family. Except: In 1997, Brent and his wife, Kim, were researching baby names with the help of Kim's sister, Karyn Oliver, who initially suggested Taggart. "I was like, Taggart, yeah, we can call him Tag Thompson," Brent said. "It's cool, it's tough." Kim wasn't sold. Karyn kept exploring and learned that Taggart was a derivative of Tage and its meaning included a hockey term that was, oh, too perfect. "My sister would love to take full credit," Kim Thompson said. "It was, 'A good-natured fellow … he with the sound of a lethal slap shot.' That was the quote she gave me from something she read. Brent, of course, was all for it."
  5. Swedish Meaning: The name Tage is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Tage is: Day so says Google.
  6. Way to draw the penalty Jack! Now pot one on the PP.
  7. Let's GO Buff-a-lo!
  8. I remember those steps being a place to buy and sell tickets. Here is a link to pictures from "Forgotten Buffalo" before they tore the Aud down. For those interested "Forgotten Buffalo" has a lot of interesting trips down "Amnesia Lane". http://www.forgottenbuffalo.com/forgottenbflofeatures/insidetheaud.html
  9. Risto, Bogo, Dahlin, McCabe, Scandella, Pilut as the core next year looks pretty good to me. Nelson and Guhle or someone else in the wings. Baloo and Hunwick gone. It seems to be rolling over pretty nicely.
  10. On my laptop I have to open these in a new tab to get them to play.
  11. Thanks, we were worried. Keep that tradition going!
  12. Calling Doohickie, need the Eichel HulaHoop!
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