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Everything posted by Cheektorado

  1. He was used last year on the PK. I don't see anywhere he fits into any long term plans. Does anyone see him needed/making the roster next year? Elie is already showing PK work so............................it will be interesting to see what JBOTs and Housley do here.
  2. @Doohickie Sure would like to see that HulaHoop!
  3. Samson redeems himself.....................good for you Sammy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Habs have come back to tie up Boston.
  5. HOW DOES IT GO..................................RELEASE THE KRAKEN
  6. It's bad luck for the HOME team. Sorry Detroit.
  7. Tage is covering the line well when Risto goes in. That's 3 times now.
  8. 2nd Periods have been weak for the Sabres.............they need to come out strong.
  9. There's your league leading goal scorer!
  10. I don't know how to act before these games so all I got to say is........... Let's Go Buff-a-lo
  11. Only 24 more games to go and Sabres get that sweet 7th rounder!
  12. I was worried you were hanging bikes again! LOL
  13. Skinner TIED for 1st in GOALS.
  14. Jack + HulaHoop = Wins?
  15. First Place in the East!
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