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Everything posted by Cheektorado

  1. I will admit I was not sure how he would handle the C on his sweater. He is doing an awesome job so far. IMO all 3 of those guys had a lot of "me, me, me" in them and Jacks leadership and play is all about team. Good for you Captain Jack...................keep it up!
  2. I'm pretty new myself but if I may..................
  3. Coach's celly is on point.pic.twitter.com/l74CrOBcRf 11 replies 232 retweets 853 likes I don't know how to post a tweet. HCPH is too happy!
  4. Yep I agree. Brother just rang the Roswell Bell a few months back! It can be beat. Just like Tampa will be on Thursday.
  5. It would be nice to see a big 2nd period from them. I can't remember the last one.
  6. I was noticing slow feeds with my Center Ice. One thing I was doing was DVR'ing the game and watching the recording. It caused a delay in the game. Now I DVR but watch the original feed. FWIW.
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