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Everything posted by Cheektorado

  1. It would be nice to get that lead back on this PP.
  2. Well Okposo scored just as I was liking your 1st post. Good deal! Bring some more lucky..........................darn penalty just as I'm typing this. Does that mean something?
  3. This is a good teaching tool for Granato. Sabres players have to earn everything this year, even the fans.
  4. I always wanted to be Rene when playing pond and street hockey! My favorite.
  5. Well since the song is for the fans to enjoy how about The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again" starting at the 7:30 mark? It would sum up the fans feeling better than any I know this year.
  6. Like most I don't expect a lot of winning this year but for me I want to see some good coaching (something we have not seen for a long while) and some players playing for the crest on their chest. Work hard playing and work hard on improving the best you can. If they can do that game in game out I can give them my time in watching. If I see signs of a tank (I know others already believe that but I don't) I will stop watching. The team as a whole has to show me that last year (and this off season) was the bottom. Make this the first year of the Sabres "process" and stick with it.
  7. With the Disney/Hulu/ESPN+ deal I needed to download the ESPN App to access ESPN+. On the top banner in ESPN App is the ESPN+ tab. When I accessed it I then Logged In to ESPN+. Just saying how I had to do it. If you are in a different environment just disregard my postings.
  8. I've got a friend who is sharing his Hulu/Disney/ESPN+ bundle package with me. You have to have a separate log in account with each of the 3.
  9. Glad I could provide a chuckle.
  10. You got to go work somewhere and doing this was pretty rewarding knowing you help people regain their quality of life. I even got some screws put in me from a line I use to lead years earlier. I recently retired (sale of the company and part of a downsizing us old expensive guys) after working there for 33 years. That is a classic autocorrect! I got to tell friends about this one!
  11. I worked my entire career for Synthes (a medical manufacturing company that I have read that Dr Cappuccino has used in the past). I actually built equipment that manufactured the Synthes Pro Disc system. Cervical and Lumbar disc replacements are 2 separate beasts. From everything I learned the higher up the Cervical vertebrate the more issues can happen. Please take this with a grain of salt as that's just what we heard from the Bio=Engineers with worked hand in hand with. If anyone is interested in what the implants look like and how they are used I found a video of the stuff we made. Competitor devices are similar. My engineering/tech friends and I actually got to do a Disc Replacement on fake bones in a training session that our company uses to train doctors. It was pretty cool.
  12. Finishing 7th and 8th (twice) in the Division those years sure wasn't good times.
  13. I just started rewatching Season 1 of Soap on PLEX. It's been so long since I seen them. It still holds up pretty well.
  14. Far be it from me to evaluate the prospect talent around the league but one thing that seems pretty important is that the prospect fit in scheme wise with what they are working towards. The player temperament should be considered too. How much that effects things is beyond me but needs consideration.
  15. I for one will not let the current frustration I feel about the team distract from any of the prospects. There may be some evidence that this new group in charge may know how to develop these kids better than what we seen in the past. If I didn't have any hope I wouldn't be on this forum.
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