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Everything posted by stuuuuuuuuu

  1. Wish we had a Tom Wilson too
  2. I am very much in support of Wilson taking a stand against Coburn bothering one of his all star players. As don cherry would say "two good guys"
  3. Buffalo could use a smith pelly. Hope he's alright
  4. On a professional sports fan message board
  5. As a burgeoning millennial, who for the first time still has a couple nickels jingling around after paying rent, student loans and avocado toast bills...I support this notion
  6. Well that's one thing me and the Sabres have in common Also maybe this board is the mythical "locker room cancer"?
  7. I will also disagree that my post was "revisionist". In that sense it would be revisionist to say that William Karlsson was a long shot to pot 40 this year.
  8. This is all fair, they did have a deeper pool than CBJ or MIN. I would take James Neal over Geoff Sanderson or Wes Walz any day. I just have a hard time with the "expansion draft was BS" talk. No one thought they would be anywhere near this good looking over their roster after the draft. I agree this will be short lived and am interested with how many fans they have after a few lean years
  9. I have to respectfully disagree. It's not like anyone was projecting Vegas to be good. When the rules were announced we all said they would suck. Hell, even AFTER they picked the team we all said they would suck. The draft wasn't rigged to make them good, Mcphee got very lucky on a few players, had a few gift wrapped to him (fla, min). I don't place much credit with the GM at all. Like many great creations, he was trying to achieve something else and stumbled into something better on accident. The success vegas has achieved illustrates why hockey is the best game on earth. The story here is about the players and the coach. A bunch of underdogs: led by a coach with something to prove, collectively playing the best hockey of their lives as a team, with a huge chip on their shoulder. I'm going to regret this tomorrow (thanks beer) but if they manage to win it all; this could go down as the second biggest hockey underdog story ever. P.S. I've actively rooted against since day one. They haven't suffered enough to deserve this
  10. To me it comes down to position. Franchise D are much more valuable than a franchise w. This quote: "There have been 13 defensemen out of the maximum 30 possible finalists for the last 10 Norris trophies (2008-2018). " shows how a top notch defenseman can sustain dominance over many years seeing as so many receive repeat nominations for the Norris. The only winger to receive more than 1 hart nomination is Ovi. The rest cashed on the best season of truly outstanding careers. Unless Svech projects as overchkin and you think Dahlin maxes out at letang, phaneuf or suter, you have to take the D man.
  11. I have known of the DV for long enough that I do not remember learning about it. The Hitler comment is news to me. Similar to OJ in that you can never take away what he did in the field (ice) but I don't see any reason to continue honoring this coward at league events.
  12. Don Cherry's schtick may not be aging well but as a 90's kid who received a copy of Rock em Sock em hockey every year for Christmas, I'll always have a soft spot for the old coot. Pre YouTube and 100000 tv channels these highlight reels set to "eurotrash" techno were absolute gold. I still toss them on for the boys before a big beer league game
  13. James Patrick would also land in my top five
  14. Stu Barnes. Hands down. Some of my first memories are Stu burying knee drop one timers
  15. Maybe this link will change your mind? https://m.soundcloud.com/zach-bogosian/jingle-bell-rock-knock2-2014-remix It's not as if folks here need more of a reason to rip on Bogo but If you want your ears to bleed (not in a good way) definitely check out his soundcloud
  16. The only way I can see Rick completely stepping away is after we win the cup. Have him announce the banner raising at the home opener the following season and call the game as a victory lap. I would love for the team to find ways to incorporate his voice into the gameday production a la Kate Smith in Philly. Any DJ's or sound engineers in the house that can mix him into the beginning of a goal horn / warm up song? (Maybe this can be a project for BOGO when he makes it to IR next season)
  17. It's happening
  18. After rooting for the caps all series, I'm finding myself rooting for a meltdown. What's wrong with me
  19. Columbus-Washington has been great. I've enjoyed both of the sweeps out west and am very excited about the SJ - Vegas matchup. Boston - T. Has been OK but the other series have not been super interesting to me. The most disappointing has to be the battle of PA. I was expecting so much more
  20. Doboer is a hell of a coach. This team has arguably more talent than the Devils team he went to the finals with. They're getting contributions from all over the line up and look like a legitimate contender. He would be crazy to leave
  21. No and he wouldn't be worth what the sharks are about to pay him in Buffalo. Really a good fit for him.
  22. Terrible hockey sense on that assist by Kane
  23. Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser. I'm glad ROR is not ok with this past season, we need more who hate losing. That being said I would move him in a Ryan Johanson - Seth Jones type deal in .000090 seconds
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