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Everything posted by Gatorman0519

  1. Our basement team doing basement things. 🫣 a big fat L.
  2. Lucky it’s only 3-2. UPL has kept it close.
  3. Three in a row! A miracle.
  4. Byram has to play defense there.
  5. This team is long out of contention. Nor will much happen. They will call it β€œgrowing pains”.
  6. We are tanking right now. Not deliberately but out of sheer ineptitude. Since he’s not going to make any major signings or trades, we literally have no other alternative than to win the lottery for two years. This debate is pointless.
  7. Mayo is putting on a coaching clinic.. at least in the first half.
  8. Oh my the Bills much be watching the Sabres play defense.
  9. We might win the lottery this year.
  10. Holy $hitsky I just seen we are last place in the league!
  11. Glad I skipped this one. Loss number 13. That’s impossibly terrible.
  12. the Tennessee vs Ohio State game looks like a viable alternative to watching this $hit$how.
  13. This. It’s inconceivable they are not doing a thing. Literally nothing and they’ve made that clear.
  14. Boston will kill us tomorrow. Maybe they can beat Chicago. Looks like 70 points max this year.
  15. 3 of the 4 goals today he had zero chance
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