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Everything posted by Frieda

  1. Standing for the anthems were a flirt with death! Uppers in the Carrier Dome not much better!
  2. Keep the pressure on. I'm going Friday and I want an intense arena!
  3. I was /am a Celtics fan and remember going to games with Havliceck scoring then McAdoo. Then Cowens then McAdoo. Then JoJo then McAdoo! Standing up top for a Canadiens game. Watching the Sabres lose to Toronto, getting on a bus and an old grandma getting on and bitching about Jim Shoenfield! ?
  4. At least Doc makes even boring games exciting. Who was that Dood that used to do the NHL on CBS?
  5. I'm getting a Go-Pro dash cam, a Russian music CD and film crash videos next time I'm in Buffalo.
  6. Just think, " doing what's necessary to secure the border" to prevent floods of immigrants , happened when your ancestors "invaded " America. You might not even exist.
  7. They have no spine that's why. McConnell is a crooked as they come and Ryan who's retiring and could really speak out with no repercussions is a wimp.
  8. I'd vote for "Uncle Joe" in a MY minute. Yeah he's whacky but he's got smarts and would be a vast improvement over that raving lunatic we got now!
  9. Of all the political forums I have read recently, This discussion is the most well mannered, civilized and common sense one I have come across. That being said, after today's performance, Trump is a lying, traitor, commie sympathizer. How any American can still support this moron is mind boggling.
  10. Pretty much close to the cross hairs for me.
  11. DOUGIE!!! One of the best EVER!!!!!!
  12. Well, I guess he won't be able to work at McDonald's next year when he's out of a job.
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