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Everything posted by Forecheck

  1. Every one of these “special” nights has seemed rushed and hurriedly put together. Which is a shame because they’ve had months to plan how to make this season and these presentations something to remember. At least no alumni almost fell on the ice tonight. Progress I guess.
  2. Well Hutton tried to lose at the end of regulation. He made sure he did it OT. Terrible goal
  3. I can’t think of anything more boring to watch than this team attempt to show their “skill”. Other than Eichel, not a single one of them can hit the broad side of a barn with their shots. I know this “showcase” is more for the kids to see their “heroes”. For an adult I can’t imagine anything worse.
  4. Exactly. It was one thing 4-5 years ago being at the bottom of the standings when we had lots of draft picks and tons of cap space. Remember when a lot of people actually worried how Murray would even get to the cap floor? Lol. Now what is the Sabres excuse for another bottom of standings season? No picks stockpiled. No available cap room. Things are even WORSE than they were 5 years ago. Let that seep into everyone’s heads for a minute.
  5. Sabres have lost 12 of their last 15. Wake up Pegula. Your joke of a franchise is utterly lost. IF you care at all. We don’t need a minor little trade. This team needs a major overhauling. And it’s far more mental than anything. Please get a proven winner to be in charge of hockey operations.
  6. Any other team with this kind of constant losing for weeks, people get fired. Not this franchise. And that’s why they’ve been at the bottom for years now.
  7. They all go home to their mansions or waterfront condos. They don’t give a F what anyone in Buffalo thinks of them or their effort. Trust me.
  8. He’s a condescending ass. Met him twice over the years and he didn’t improve. How he has a job and how the players even want to answer a fat ass like him astonishes me.
  9. Their only loyalty is to their own individual bank accounts. That’s almost all professional sports and athletes these days. Sabres problem is they have no talent either. Or very very little of it.
  10. I’m not surprised in the least. If you’ve watched this sorry team the past 8-9 years you shouldn’t be surprised either.
  11. There is NO one else.
  12. There are no followers. So it won’t matter.
  13. Leave it to the Sabres to lay a giant goose egg on a night that could've been, should’ve been special, honoring the guys from the 70s that played the game so much harder and better than these Sabres players could ever hope to.
  14. Sabres tv production staff is the worst. They don’t show the whole ceremony and were far more concerned showing nobody’s in the crowd every two seconds instead of the 70s players. Which should have been the whole point. Idiotic.
  15. Right. And also pretty sure there are no points given for time of possession in hockey.
  16. Sabres weren’t good after the first 19 minutes of the game.
  17. It works. This team has been soft going on 8+ years.
  18. Yep. I never said he wasn’t getting taken. Just funny how many people were up his jock and wrong. Good for Montreal.
  19. Sorry for those easily offended. The “short” scorer. Better?
  20. Definitely convinced McKenzie is related to Caufield. Lol. He’s making an ass of himself
  21. Definitely let’s get back to the midget scorer nonsense!!
  22. I could care less who the Sabres pick. It hasn’t mattered in years and years. OTHERS here have mentioned that the Sabres like Knight. IF true, very soon is the time to move. That’s all I said. If you want a midget scorer, good for you. No one else wants him.
  23. Now is about when the Sabres should seriously consider trading up for Knight IF they actually want him. 31+ ?? To get him.
  24. Lol all this talk about Caufield is hilarious. Mc Kenzie finally stopped talking about him for now. After what St Louis did teams want big guys and defense.
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