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Everything posted by Forecheck

  1. Would love to see it all blown up after the season and entire new management and coaching staff brought in, with none of them having ZERO ties to anything Sabres history related. But Pegula will never ever shed that much money in lost salaries.
  2. After Bensons controversial goal, the fans and Avs got mad. The Sabres got timid and changed what they were doing. All downhill from there.
  3. Should be part of a huge hockey trade. But we have no one capable of making such moves with this franchise.
  4. Spoiler alert: 2025 ain’t gonna be good either.
  5. I think the Avalanche will be willing to sacrifice this game to spend the rest of the time going after Sabres. Hope Buffalo is ready.
  6. As of 5 am it’s at +1600 for last place. Still decent odds. Made my bet.
  7. Oh they will be safely there early in the new year if not sooner and I’d imagine will stay there throughout. He couldn’t take the losing anymore. He quit. 100% But it will never happen.
  8. Just more proof it was beyond idiotic to give Cozens and Tage letters. Wonder if that was solely a Ruff decision or a collaborative one from up higher.
  9. Agreed. But the fact that management havent/cant/wont make that happen tells you everything you need to know about the current state of affairs.
  10. I’m already wondering if he will come up with a medical reason for “retiring” at the end of the season. So he can escape this sh*tshow. Can’t say I’d blame him at all. Doubtful he really needs the money at this point.
  11. Sabres lose the special teams battle nearly every night and have for multiple years now. It’s the quickest way to right the ship since they can’t trade for good players yet multiple coaching staffs over the past few years have ZERO clue how to fix the special teams issues.
  12. What was Cozens even aiming for there?
  13. I have ZERO faith Pegula can identify and hire a competent GM. He has failed with every coach and GM hire he has made. He’s not about to get it right next time either.
  14. And just think Lindy gave them the morning skate off specifically so they could start hard tonight. lol. These guys and this franchise is an even bigger joke than it was a few years ago, and I didn’t think that would ever be possible. I hope the whole thing gets flushed down the tube, every coach, scout and management personnel is gone come April after missing the playoffs again. Easily half this roster can be jettisoned into the sun as well.
  15. That goes without saying
  16. Lindy Ruff said Mattias Samuelsson will be available to play for the Sabres tonight. Ruff said he cancelled the skate this morning because he wants the Sabres to "save everything they've got for tonight." Shocker nothing important or meaningful.
  17. Morning skate cancelled. Ruff to meet with media shortly.
  18. Morning skate was cancelled. Ruff to meet with media shortly.
  19. Yep. I’ve been screaming that for the last 3-4 years. I don’t know how people actually waste their hard earned money on this crap and these guys that care less about the outcome of a game than you, the paying fan does.
  20. Agreed. There just is no possible way that the Sabres can continue to trot out Adams as GM once the season ends can they? I’m sure they will probably find him some cushy job, maybe even term it a “lateral” move or even god forbid make him some type of advisor to the owner, but he can’t remain in charge of hockey operations come April.
  21. Serious question that I’m sure someone knows better than me, but is there a consensus #1 overall pick for June’s draft? And is he a generational or even semi generational type talent? I’m guessing not with our luck.
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