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Everything posted by Forecheck

  1. Smart players who actually want to win in this league are the ones who stay away from this franchise. The ones who want to be here you now have to question.
  2. Lol it only took being down by a million. He’s a genius. I stopped listening to Razor years ago, everyone should. Can’t remember the last time when something useful actually came out of his mouth.
  3. Completely agree. I haven’t gone in person in three years and at this rate, it’ll be at least another three years before I feel confident enough to spend money on this sh*tshow of a franchise.
  4. Unless and until Pegula gets pissed off enough to demand a change, nothing will happen sadly. And between it A) being the holidays B) Granato’s brother with cancer C) Bills finishing their season and hopefully heading into the playoffs, Pegula has enough significant distractions going on that he won’t pull the trigger on Granato.
  5. Zero chance Adams does anything. And even if he miraculously did want to fire Granato, he can’t do it unless Pegula agrees first, which likely ain’t happening til April at the earliest and more likely not until 2025.
  6. This team has never learned to win. The entire roster has no experience in winning. Except for Johnson, and he really doesn’t count and won’t move the needle. They don’t have the right vets here to teach the young guys. Major gaffe by the front office.
  7. Benson just wants to get to the showers first. Smart guy, he is learning quick.
  8. Of course Granato and Adams are happy punting to 2024-25, it’s buying them job security. It’s all part of their plan to keep their jobs. Having the youngest team in the league keeps giving them a built in excuse when they miss the playoffs each year. They will be an even younger team next year after jettisoning Okposo, Johnson and Girgs. Hopefully Pegula will figure out what’s going on here eventually. Won’t hold my breath.
  9. Im more sorry the game actually did start. Nobody has told the Sabres yet that it has.
  10. St Louis just fired their Stanley cup winning coach. Other teams do things much differently. If a coach ever wins the Stanley cup for Buffalo they would have a job for life.
  11. Statistically maybe. But from the eyeball test I’ve seen lots of these kinds of periods
  12. Have the Sabres ever had a period with no shots in their history? I don’t think so. Has ANY team in NHL history ever had a period with no shots?
  13. Sabres could have not even come out on the ice tonight and the scoreboard wouldn’t be any worse. Down 3-0 and not even a shot on goal. Like why even bother at this point? Oh and for those wanting Granato gone, there is zero chance he will be fired especially with his brother being recently diagnosed with cancer. Absolutely sucks for his brother, cancer blows. But I think there is no freaking way the Sabres would fire Granato right now with that situation, besides the fact they love him.
  14. I like that Robinson seems to have no problem getting his nose dirty and go to the front of the net to get the ugly goals. I already like him better than half this roster.
  15. Duffer works for the perfect organization for him.
  16. If a team thinks they are a playoff team, beating Montreal at home is a requirement. Disappointing game. Power play still costs us games this year. Chalk up another loss due to a terrible power play. Coaches can’t fix it or they would have by now.
  17. I really thought Buffalo would finally have a great goalie for shootouts. Nope. Not allowed for this team.
  18. I guess Levi’s stint in Rochester is over. Now don’t let Comrie ever play in net again for us please.
  19. Shocker Bruins going to goon it up when confronted with losing to Buffalo with 8 minutes left
  20. VO still one of the three best shooters on this roster.
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